MozTW Space 摩茲工寮 (Mozilla Community Space Taipei)

MozTW Space 摩茲工寮 (Mozilla Community Space Taipei)

Co-managed by local volunteers, MozTW Space is a collaborative venue in Taipei for open-source and civic tech events, hosting over 2,000 events since 2014, supporting diverse tech communities.
Applied on: 11 Dec 2023 12:35 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:25 AM
You should have a slack channel in g0v(screenshot) slack
Without additional evidence such as a screenshot confirming the existence of a slack channel in g0v, it is not possible to definitively determine if this requirement has been met.
Slide Deck of your project
The provided information does not indicate the existence of a slide deck of the project, therefore it is not possible to score this requirement without further evidence.
If you are a Fab DAO or dao0 contributor - mention about your contribution in your application and link to your work
There is no specific mention of contributions to Fab DAO or dao0 in the provided project description, nor are there any links to work in the application information that was provided, which makes it impossible to score this without additional details.
You are an NGO/NPO mention about the work your org is doing
The project description explicitly states the involvement of the Mozilla Community Space Taipei, a community space managed by volunteers supporting open-culture activities, which aligns with the work of an NGO/NPO.