Iggy - Web3 Social Framework

Iggy - Web3 Social Framework

Iggy is a free, open-source Web3 framework for easily creating social apps for communities, featuring optional plugins like a token swap, NFT launchpad, and more.
Applied on: 10 Apr 2024 02:32 PM
User Review
Reviewed on 12 Apr 2024 09:35 AM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community.
A strong portfolio of projects built using Iggy framework enabling project efficiency and a reduction of development barriers. Trusted, supported and used by DAOs and web3 communities such as Pooltogether, Flare, SMOL, Giveth and more.
AI Review
Reviewed on 10 Apr 2024 03:01 PM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency.
The Iggy framework facilitates the rapid creation of Web3 Social apps, providing a low-code solution similar to Wordpress for Web3, which streamlines development and can save developers a significant amount of time.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community.
The project has demonstrated usage within the developer community, with various communities using the Iggy framework such as PoolTogether DAO, Scrolly web3 community, and others. Links to some of these communities are provided on the Iggy website.