Iggy - Web3 Social Framework
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Iggy is a free, open-source Web3 framework for easily creating social apps for communities, featuring optional plugins like a token swap, NFT launchpad, and more.

Think of Iggy as “Wordpress for Web3 Social”. A web3 framework that lets you easily set up a Web3 Social app for your community.

Open Source and Free

Iggy is completely free to use! The code is open source and available on GitHub:

  • Frontend code: https://github.com/iggy-social/iggy-social-frontend
  • Smart contracts: https://github.com/iggy-social/iggy-contracts

The Iggy framework includes many useful plugins that go beyond just a social app, such as a token swap module, NFT launchpad module, Send Tokens module, etc.

These modules are all optional and developers can decide on their own which ones to use (or even develop new ones).

Where is it used

Some of the communities that use the Iggy framework are the PoolTogether DAO, Scrolly web3 community, Degen token community, Based Nouns community, Flare community, Mode Network community, BasePunk NFT community, Taiko community, etc.

Here are a few of them:

  • ModeChat: https://modechat.xyz/
  • Scrolly Hub: https://hub.scrolly.xyz/
  • BasePunk community: https://chat.basepunk.xyz/


The impact of Iggy as a low-code web3 framework is to save developers a ton of time launching a Web3 Social site for any DAO or web3 community.

From our experience so far, developers are loving this tool, and we expect the usage of Iggy to grow much more in the near future.

Next steps

The next steps are the launch of the Iggy Admin dashboard, which will help communities easily manage their smart contracts.

After that, we plan to launch a tool that will help developers easily deploy new Iggy-based smart contracts.

Last but not least, we will prepare a tutorial that will show developers how to launch an Iggy-based Web3 Social site and how to use plugins/modules that are part of the Iggy framework.


  • Project Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/IggySocial
  • Your GitHub Username: https://github.com/tempe-techie
  • GitHub Organization: https://github.com/iggy-social

Iggy - Web3 Social Framework History

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