DOM Money: Unleashing Crypto Anarchy - No Cards, No Wait, Just Spend

DOM Money: Unleashing Crypto Anarchy - No Cards, No Wait, Just Spend

A mobile-based web3 platform enabling cardless QR payments, bypassing traditional KYC and card issues, focusing on global adoption, especially in Brazil and the APAC region. Funds for expansion and integration.
Applied on: 9 Nov 2023 07:24 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 01:23 PM
Web3 Open Source Software Round Eligibility
The project description indicates a strong alignment with Web3 principles, however, without details on the compliance with the general program policy, a definitive evaluation cannot be provided.
To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements:
The project description suggests that it may meet specific requirements, but without explicit information about compliance with the general program policy, it is not possible to conclusively determine eligibility.
Open Source: The project must be open-source.
The project has a Github link provided, which typically indicates an open-source nature. However, without direct evidence such as a license file or readme explicitly confirming the open-source status, the assessment assumes openness based on the provided Github link.
Recent Activity: There must be meaningful GitHub activity within the past 3 months, demonstrating ongoing work aligned with the project's mission.
Based on the data provided, there have been no commits, pull requests, or issues activity in the past 3 months on the user or project Github repositories.
Web3 Focus: The project should primarily aim to develop or advance the broader Ethereum and/or Web3 ecosystem
The project appears to be directly involved in developing protocols and tools for Web3 mobile apps, with a focus on cryptocurrency transactions and advancing the use case of Ethereum and other Web3 technologies.