0xidm's DAO governance analysis and AIP

$149.66 crowdfunded from 94 people

$2,950.46 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Analyzed and addressed STIP voting issues in Arbitrum DAO, proposed a solution, and with community help, implemented a live vote for data improvement.

My work analyzing Arbitrum DAO STIP voting identified a "blind spot" in the STIP data, harming long-term incentives planning. I drafted an AIP to solve the STIP data collection problem, which later became known as STIP Backfunding.

Thanks to the contributions from many members of the Arbitrum community - especially Alex Lumley - you can now see the product of this work as a live vote on Tally.

I believe my contributions helped save the STIP experiment, ensuring the long-term incentives working group will have sufficient STIP data to work with.

0xidm's DAO governance analysis and AIP History

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