2nd Impact NFT Collection in Collaboration with EcoThailand Foundation

$51.24 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 3 application evaluations
Launch NFT Collection to support Impact Market, with a new partnership with EcoThailand Foundation aiming to enhance environmental education and composting projects.

Progressive Horizon

Building on the experience of our inaugural collection, the 2nd Impact NFT Collection is set to further our commitment to the Impact Market, introducing new dimensions to our impactful journey.

Future Alliance

  • Anticipated Collaboration with EcoThailand Foundation: Looking ahead, this partnership promises to amplify our impact, leveraging EcoThailand's groundbreaking educational and composting projects to foster significant environmental progress on the island.

Stay Tuned

For a glimpse into the future and ongoing developments, keep an eye on our GitHub page. Engage with our initiatives by liking, and ensure you're at the forefront of our journey by following us for the latest news and project unveilings!

2nd Impact NFT Collection in Collaboration with EcoThailand Foundation History

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