$5,814.87 crowdfunded from 2887 people

$20,146.05 received from matching pools

average score over 7 application evaluations
A Web 3.0 platform providing developers with integrated storage, computing, and networking to transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, featuring decentralized, efficient, and low-cost data solutions.


4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 developer platform that integrates storage, computing, and network as its core capabilities.

4EVERLAND is committed to providing a distributed, efficient, self-motivated, low-cost data hosting network. It hopes to help the internet make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, become the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications.

Mission: To help users make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to We 3.0.

Vision: To be the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications.

Positioning: A blockchain technology-powered, cloud computing platform for Web 3.0.

The Problem

  1. The use of decentralized storage, network and computing protocols is increasing, and more and more Web2 developers are joining Web3.
  2. Various underlying protocols were developed independently, thus existing ecosystems are isolated, and cannot meet the diverse and combinable needs of users.
  3. Existing ecosystems lack standardized, developer-friendly APIs, SDKs and other services.
  4. The learning threshold for ordinary users and enterprises is high. As well as the costs of development and migration.

The Solution

Provide developers with user-friendly infrastructure by integrating various underlying protocols

The Product

Hosting (Web3 Vercel) Automate your website/front-end implementation and deploy it on various Web3 protocols.

  • Support Multi-protocol Such protocols as IPFS, Arweave, Dfinity, BNB Greenfield.

  • CI/CD One click to complete automated building.

  • Suitable for various websites and mainstream frameworks Compatible with various traditional frameworks and deployment experiences, low development threshold

  • Supports multiple deployment methods, suitable for developers and ordinary users

  • Github, CLI, UI, template deployment, ENS/IPFS deployment.

Storage (DS3)

An enterprise-level storage product based on Web3 storage protocols such as IPFS/Arweave/Greenfield

  • Powerful APIs: S3 Compatible API, Pinning Services

  • Storage upload performance comparable to Web2

  • Strong scalability and combinability

  • Feature for Web3: Snapshot, Root CID, IPFS Migrator


  • Global acceleration

  • 100+ global edge nodes

  • Support Multi-protocol

  • Customizable private gateway

  • Video/image optimization

  • RPCs

Main Innovation

Data situation

Ecological achievements

Second largest data contributor in the Arweave ecosystem

Selected for BNB Chain Zero2Hero Incubator

Received Grants from multiple ecological such as IPFS/Arweave/Dfinity/Polygon

Case Studies

Snapshot Pain Points: All proposal data from users needs to be stored on IPFS frequently and quickly Solution: Bucket provides data upload services for Snapshot comparable to Web2 performance, with an upload delay of less than 100ms, which is 99% better than similar products such as Pinata and Fleek. The data is as follows: https://pineapple.fyi/

Lenster/Lenstube Pain Points: Need an API that is compatible with S3 to help facilitate IPFS data storage and a highly available IPFS gateway to provide fast data loading. Solution: 4EVERLAND provides highly available S3-compatible APIs to ensure large amounts of data uploads every day. At the same time, IPFS dedicated gateways provide global acceleration network capabilities to help solve the problem of loading large files such as videos/images.

Liquity Pain Points: Most front-ends are still hosted in centralized data centers and users cannot deploy them at low thresholds. Solution: Hosting provides a framework of solutions such as decentralized hosting on IPFS/Arweave/Greenfield, and the template center that makes front-end hosting extremely simple, allowing any ordinary user quickly deploy the front-end and become its operator.

Use Case

Snapshot, RSS3, Liquity, Lenster, Lenstube, SyncSwap, everVision, Mail3, KNN3, Relation, 50,000+ Dapps


IPFS, Arweave, BNB Greenfield, Filecoin

Polygon, BNB Chain, zkSync, Sei, Dfinity, Arbitrum, Aptos, Sui, Conflux

ENS, Space ID, .bit, Bonfida, SuiNS, ANS...


Website: https://www.4everland.org

Twitter: https://twitter.com/4everland_org

Telegram: https://t.me/org_4everland

Discord: http://discord.gg/Cun2VpsdjF

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/4everland/

Medium: https://4everland.medium.com/

Email: contact@4everland.org


  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 7 months ago. 846 people contributed $1,271 to the project, and $1,575 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago which was rejected
  • applied to the Ethereum Infrastructure 10 months ago which was rejected
  • applied to the Web3 Social 10 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 1209 people contributed $1,781 to the project, and $1,575 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 128 people contributed $588 to the project, and $1,999 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into ZK Tech Round 1 year ago. 704 people contributed $2,175 to the project, and $14,998 of match funding was provided.

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