average score over 1 application evaluations
Spanish-language academy training individuals in software quality, aiming to train 1,000 in Blockchain QA with a 60% job placement rate, live classes, personalized coaching, and women-focused mentorships.

AcademiaQA is the first academy focused on software quality to offer training from scratch in Spanish.

With a reach of 70,000 active professionals in 90 countries and a 60% job placement success rate for BootcampQA graduates.

In 2023, we aims to train 1000 people with no previous knowledge in Blockchain QA.

During the Bootcamp, we focus on practicing everything learned in the courses available on the platform.

5 QA specialists work in different disciplines at each Bootcamp, which consists of 10 practical live classes of 60 minutes each.

Each student has 1 personalized class where we focus on teaching me how to highlight their strengths for interviews and follow up by chat until they find their first job. Ver foto

During 2022 and 2023 we are collaborating with 'Mujeres en Crypto' and 'Mujeres VIT' with customized mentorships for women career changers to IT and scholarships to BootcampQA. Ver foto

As the software QA area is an area created during the last 5 years, it is having a favorable reception and for women, out of 3 QA's, 2 are women. To see what some graduates have to say

[To see what some graduates have to say]

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AcademiaQA History

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Developing an automated agricultural eco-label using satellite data and blockchain to ensure food identity and promote sustainable practices for better human health.
Digital platform for community-based network state with decentralized social feed, asset tokenization, DAO-managed real estate, and mesh internet connectivity.
Revamped and scalable blockchain oracle, DigiOracle connects Web3 apps with real-world data. Since winning KlayMaker22, it now serves multiple chains and provides various data feeds.
RnDAO is a venture builder and research DAO developing web3 collaboration tools, fostering decentralized governance and nurturing expertise on decision-making processes.
Amanda, a web3 and social impact advocate, has onboarded 40+ GenZ innovators, coordinated with organizations for lectures and mentorships, and facilitated internships, while also contributing to sustainable blockchain projects.