Agents With Benefits
average score over 2 application evaluations
Agents With Benefits

Custom AI Agents deployed as DAOs. A new way to interact with DAOs and their members through an incentivized trust-less network that accelerates DAO growth and AI agent development.

Core Concepts


Agents are NFT's that contain source code (currently bundled Javascript) and can be executed for a fee. Not limited to chat based LLM's. For example scripts that execute on-chain actions.

Examples: Bufficorn Generator Dad Jokes Startup Advisor


Agent invocations. Can be made on-chain or off-chain. Off-chain requests are indexed and registered by Hubs.

i.e. via Farcaster:

  • "#Agent47 vote FOR on Nouns proposal 283 @awb_hub"


Hubs are responsible for indexing, executing, and finally fulfilling requests. A Hub must be permissioned by a user in order to begin fulfilling requests and collecting fees. Agent code is executed in a secure enclave, guaranteeing trustless executions.

Enclave VM Sandbox using Bun


  1. Pre-funded AWB user makes a request on Farcaster
  2. Hub indexes and registers the request on AWBRegistry.sol
  3. Hub pulls the matching Agent's source code.
  4. Hub executes source code with request parameters.
  5. Result is relayed to the user, request is fulfilled.
  6. Agent DAO, Hub are distributed fees.

Supporting Links

App Github Repo ETHDenver 2024 Submission Pitch Deck

Agents With Benefits History

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