
$242.21 crowdfunded from 114 people

$4,174.40 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Web3 platform offering on-demand, wallet-based cloud infrastructure rentals, leveraging ERC4907 NFTs to streamline cloud service access sans traditional web2 solutions.


AikiCloud is a web3 platform that allows anyone to rent cloud infrastructure using ERC4907 NFT rentals. Think of it like the Opensea for cloud infrastructure rentals or lease.

The Problem😔

Up until now, there's no web3 native way to get access to cloud services and infrastructure, without setting up traditional web2 payment gateways and solutions. In a web3 native world, we believe getting access to cloud services should be as easy as sending a simple transaction on-chain, and that's the primary motivation for AikiCloud.

Core value proposition💡

AikiCloud would essentially offer a range of cloud services from simple to more sophisticated services, backed by major cloud providers like GCP and AWS, but not limited to those two. We are essentially allowing anyone ideally, with a web3 wallet to be able to access the platform and use infrastructure in the cloud all from their web3 wallet.

How the web3 and Arbitrum community can benefit 🚀

  1. A developer: AikiCloud can give Arbitrum/web3 developers and enthusiast more flexibility in how they access and use cloud resources. For example, anyone can use AikiCloud to rent cloud resources on a per-use basis, all from a web3 native wallet like metamask.

  2. An NFT project: NFT art projects, often have the need to use infrastructure like stable diffusion servers and the likes, for image art generation, now it's possible to provision on from your wallet on the fly.

  3. Web3 native user: We believe web3 users could have various needs for cloud services, for productive, educational or other purposes we haven't yet anticipate for, however as the need arises we can expand on our services and provision for their use case.

Conclusion 🚀

AikiCloud is a promising project that has the potential to provide a number of benefits to the Arbitrum and broader web3 community. By reducing the friction to access cloud services, increasing flexibility, and improving scalability, AikiCloud can help Arbitrum developers to build and deploy better applications.

AikiCloud History

  • accepted into The New protocol ideas Round 1 year ago. 114 people contributed $242 to the project, and $4,174 of match funding was provided.

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