Alysia Tech

$70.33 crowdfunded from 8 people

$154.41 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Educational initiative creating technical and motivational content for web3 newcomers via videos and tutorials on Ethereum, NFTs, and DeFi, seeking grant for content production and scholarships.

Onboarding new, diverse builders into web3 through technical videos & programming tutorials on platforms such as Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and Lens.

Key Stats

  • 20+ Coding Tutorials helping guide developer to build on Ethereum, Layer 2, NFT and DeFi applications. Tutorials focus on programming languages and frameworks such as Solidity and Web3 JS.
  • 20+ Explainer videos focusing on a wide range of themes including ZK, Account Abstraction, DEXs & Bridges.
  • 10+ Motivational videos for participating in hackathons, careers in web3 & DAOs
  • 5+ Short Interviews with builders, founders, and diverse participants in web3

Audience & Reach

  • Tiktok - 38.6K followers, 262K likes (all time), 62K views (60d)
  • Youtube - 2.2K subscribers, 102K views (all time)
  • Instagram - 2.2K followers, 11.7K accounts reach (90d)
  • Twitter - 1.2K followers, 141.K impressions (90d)
  • Lens - 382 frens

A grant would help:

  • the production of high quality, consistent, educational content
  • team expansion to produce written technical content
  • the organization of IRL educational meetups & workshops in Trinidad & Tobago (& other Caribbean islands)
  • the provision of scholarships for Trinidadians (& other Caribbean nationalities) to participate in hackathons and conferences worldwide

Alysia Tech History

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