Aspis Protocol
average score over 1 application evaluations
Create customizable on-chain investment funds managed by vetted professionals, with investor security enforced by smart contracts, simplifying DeFi investing with user-friendly experiences.

Aspis Protocol offers permissionless creation of customizable on-chain funds where investors can trust their funds to the professional asset managers in DeFi with no counterparty risk. Portfolio managers can deploy their investment vaults with specific rules that specify the investment strategy (which assets on which protocols they will be able to buy & sell), fees, and more.

💪 Investors entrust their funds to managers they believe in without the need to trust them, who can earn interest on the collected funds by executing trading strategies. With safety and security at the forefront, funds are securely stored in smart contracts, preventing direct access by the manager according to his trading strategy. For end user interface is very similar to a regular launchpad, but instead of buying shitcoins, investors are trusting funds to professionals, who deploy them in different strategies.

🔒 Smart contracts serve as contractual agreements, regulating permissions, deposit sizes, currencies, fees and controlling the manager's operations. Whitelisting protocols and pairs provide granular control over the manager's trading activities. Smart-contracts also check every manager's operation so the latter can not withdraw funds to his own wallet or buy assets and use protocols not specified in his trading strategy.

💼 Aspis Protocol opens up DeFi results to regular people, so instead of researching everything by themselves, investors can securely get better results compared to traditional bank deposits while offering simple UX.

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