Base Punk Domain & Chat Dapps
average score over 5 application evaluations
An ecosystem offering digital identity, a social network with Ethereum earnings, NFT minting, an integrated marketplace, and a launchpad with creator royalties.

Base Punk's innovative ecosystem offers lifetime digital identity, seamless social interactions with daily earnings, and a user-friendly NFT launchpad that simplifies creation, enhances liquidity, and fairly rewards creators.

Base Punk Domains: (Free Mint to Base Punk NFT holder ) -This is your ticket to seamless experiences in the Base Punk ecosystem.

Base Punk Chat: The Next-Gen Social Network

  • Daily ETH earnings and activity points are yours for the taking.
  • Register, interact, mint posts as NFTs, and enjoy a daily passive income stream.

Base Punk NFT Launchpad: A Creator's Dream

  • Simplify NFT creation, with integrated marketplace for each collection ensures liquidity and hassle-free trading.
  • Smart pricing adapts to demand, keeping NFTs fairly priced.
  • Creators 2% royalties.

Base Punk Domain & Chat Dapps History

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