Bhargav's Test Project
average score over 4 application evaluations

This is a test project. Created only for testing purposes.

Bhargav's Test Project History

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Community initiative bridging sectors for regenerative solutions through events, partnerships, and educational content to build a collaborative regenerative ecosystem in web3.
We were born as a small reforestation area, becoming a playground open to the public so that people can have contact with nature outdoors.
Promote responsible digital nomadism through a project offering funding, a platform for publishing, and community support to explorers blending local immersion with global awareness.
Open-source project to enable data science on Ethereum, with tools widely used by individuals and companies, backed by a collaborative public BigQuery dataset.
Creating a cultural hub for Solarpunk enthusiasts to learn, connect, and grow the movement; highlighting current Solarpunk efforts and building a comprehensive culture library to support creators and climate action.