Bitcoin Design Foundation

$94.94 crowdfunded from 62 people

$239.01 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
The Bitcoin Design Foundation focuses on sustainability and amplifying the impact of quality design in the bitcoin ecosystem, producing resources like guides and UI kits through community collaboration.

The Bitcoin Design Community was established in 2020.

It has produced widely used resources like the Bitcoin Design Guide, the Bitcoin UI Kit, wallet reference designs and adoption-pushing efforts like the unified QR code and taproot campaigns.

The large community has held hundreds of calls, organized Designathons and worked directly with many open source projects to improve their design.

A small number of grants initiated a huge body of collective work, positively impacting the whole bitcoin ecosystem.

The Bitcoin Design Foundation works to support the sustainability of these efforts and expand the impact of good design on bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Design Foundation supports the sustainability of these efforts and expand the impact of good design on bitcoin.

Bitcoin Design Foundation History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 62 people contributed $95 to the project, and $239 of match funding was provided.

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