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A creator-first live-streaming platform on Lens Protocol offering real-time chat, moderation, super chats, clipping, content management, various watch modes, mobile optimization, and playback control.

BloomersTV is an open-source live-streaming platform on Lens Protocol.


  • Live Chat: You can view live comments under the Lens stream post from all other Lens clients in real-time and send instant live messages from BloomersTV.
  • Real-Time Moderation: Block and remove unwanted users from the live chat in real-time.
  • Super Chat: Support live streamers by sending super chats using dozens of available tokens.
  • Clip & Share: Take clips from live streams and post them as videos on Lens.
  • Content Management: Manage all stream replays and clips via the content management page after the streams end.
  • Super Bloomers Plan: Support BloomersTV and gain additional features, including:
    • 28 days of VOD (instead of 7 days for the free plan)
    • Super Bloomers Badge
    • Zero percent revenue split on collect features (compared to 5% for free plan)
  • Watch Modes: Choose between two watch modes:
    • Low Latency: Lower latency but might experience occasional lags.
    • Quality: Smoother viewing experience but with higher latency.
  • Web Push Notifications: Get notified when your subscribed streamer goes live with web push notifications.
  • Mobile Optimization & PWA Support: Enjoy a fully optimized mobile experience on both Android and iOS devices, with PWA support for quick access.
  • Streaming Options: Stream using OBS for the best quality (recommended) or stream directly from the browser by sharing your camera or screen quickly.
  • Playback Control: Select playback speed and adjust the quality for stream replays.
  • Offline Page: Show your last public stream replay on your offline page when not live.
  • Community Posting: Post text, and image Lens posts, and engage with the community through a dedicated posts section.
  • Stream Replay Visibility: Set replay visibility to public, unlisted, or private based on your preference.
  • Profile Page Frame: A unique frame that works on both lens & farcaster, for your profile page

How will the donations be used?

  • Build Mobile Apps: Create Android and iOS apps for BloomersTV to make it easier for users to access content.
  • Streaming Costs: Pay for Livepeer streaming to ensure high-quality broadcasts.
  • Website & API Hosting: Cover the costs of hosting the BloomersTV website for a smooth user experience.
  • IPFS Storage: Store images and videos securely on IPFS for reliable access.
  • Open API: Provide an open API for easy integration with Lens apps and custom stream frontends.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Node.js, Express, Apollo Client
  • Blockchain & Web3: Lens Protocol, Ethers.js, Wagmi, RainbowKit
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Streaming: Livepeer, HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
  • Package Manager: pnpm
  • File Storage: IPFS (via 4everland STS Token)
  • UI/UX: MUI (Material-UI), Framer Motion
  • State Management: Zustand
  • GraphQL: GraphQL, Apollo Client, GraphQL Code Generator

Impact Goals:

BloomersTV aims to transform live streaming by giving creators full control over their earnings and distributing streams across multiple platforms for greater reach. It fosters a creator-first ecosystem that encourages open participation and community-driven growth.

Follow the development of this platform here

BloomersTV History

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