Blu3 Global

$1,536.11 crowdfunded from 1056 people

$3,178.12 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Blu3 Global is an inclusive organization sponsoring diverse individuals to attend web3 hackathons, fostering justice and equity in tech through education, onboarding, and leadership development.

🦋Blu3 Global is a mission-driven organization striving for justice and equity for diverse builders in technology and blockchain. We sponsor talented and diverse teams to attend web3 hackathons and ignite future founders around the world. Our goal is to grow and diversify the crypto ecosystem by focusing on an end-to-end solution that is frictionless. This includes onboarding, education and direct deployment of diverse talent into web3 – as users and leaders. We are an All-inclusive community, and open our arms to women, nonbinary people, allies, and technical and non-technical builders alike.

Blu3 Global is currently composed of regions: Blu3 North America, Blu3 LATAM and Blu3 Africa. We will split the funds received from this Gitcoin round equally. All funds we receive will go directly towards funding programs that benefit our members and the entire Web3 ecosystem.*

Our Success

  • 1500+ members around the world
  • 50+ Core Contributors
  • 250+ Women/Nonbinary/Allies sponsored to attend experiential learning trips world wide
  • 100+ developers onboarded to web3
  • 97% win rate at hackathons

Our Community

**Learn more on our website **

Join our community on Telegram:

Follow our journey on Twitter:

See the magic happen on Instagram:

Media, News, and Articles:

Blu3 Newsletter

ETHDenver Recap

ETHAmsterdam Recap

ETHRio Recap

Activate Miami Recap

ETHNewYork Recap

Polygon supported our huge success at Blu3 House in Mexico:

Mastercard called us industry leaders:

Our Regions

Blu3 North America


  • Blu3 LATAM es una organización que se dedica a apoyar y capacitar a mujeres, personas no binarias y aliadas de LATAM para que puedan alcanzar su libertad financiera a través de las miles de oportunidades que ofrece el espacio Web3, algo que América Latina realmente necesita por la difícil situación económica de los países que la conforman.

Nuestra misión es ayudarles a través de la educación, la exploración y la construcción de sus carreras en el espacio web3. Para lograr esto, nos proponemos generar espacios de soporte que faciliten la construcción del pensamiento crítico y el despliegue directo del talento de nuestra comunidad, ayudando de manera activa a todas las personas que quieran ser parte del ecosistema cripto como founders, líderes y agentes de cambio.

Nuestra visión es la de un ecosistema inclusivo y diversificado, que proponga soluciones integrales y justas que incluyan a todos los sectores de la sociedad, asegurando la representación integral de las personas de LATAM, con énfasis en las minorías.

Nuestro objetivo real es hacerle llegar contenido a las personas de LATAM en su propio idioma para descentralizar el acceso a la información, a la tecnología y al liderazgo.

  • Blu3 LATAM é uma organização dedicada a apoiar e capacitar mulheres, pessoas não binárias e aliadas da América Latina para alcançarem sua liberdade financeira através das inúmeras oportunidades oferecidas pelo espaço Web3, algo que a América Latina realmente precisa pela difícil situação econômica dos países que a compõem.

Nossa missão é ajudá-los por meio da educação, exploração e construção de suas carreiras no espaço Web3. Para isso, buscamos criar espaços de apoio que facilitem a construção do pensamento crítico e o desenvolvimento direto do talento de nossa comunidade, ajudando ativamente todas as pessoas que desejam fazer parte do ecossistema cripto como fundadores, líderes e agentes de mudança.

Nossa visão é a de um ecossistema inclusivo e diversificado, que proporcione soluções abrangentes e justas que incluam todos os setores da sociedade, garantindo a representação integral das pessoas da América Latina, com ênfase nas minorias.

Nosso objetivo real é levar conteúdo às pessoas da América Latina em sua própria língua, descentralizando o acesso à informação, à tecnologia e ao liderança.


Blu3 Africa

We’d love to introduce and extend a warm welcome to Team Blu3 Africa into the Blu3 Global community! As part of Blu3’s drive to spread blockchain education around the world and empower women into web3, the Blu3 Africa initiative is an exciting program that aims to bridge the gap for African women in the blockchain and web3 space. Blu3 Africa is fast-tracking these goals with our popular, live Solidity bootcamps, hackathon workshops and partnerships with local tech communities that support women. We recognize the numerous obstacles African women face that result in fewer opportunities and lower compensation. Blu3 Africa advocates for equitable change, and empowers these women into web3 careers that will help them achieve economic independence and redefine their destinies.


Our Mission


Learn bleeding-edge skills in web3 through hackathon, bootcamp, incubator, and accelerator programs. Key topics include blockchain development, DeFi, tokenomics, governance, and more.


We open the door to opportunities throughout the industry and our hackers have won over 100k in prize money. You can also earn a Blu3 Impact Self NFT from Dottyland through open bounties on our Wonderverse board, and by participating in our Blu3 Builders program.


We have one life to live, let's do it right. Blu3 empowers you to live your life true to yourself and to pursue your passions. It's never too late! We are an open-minded and judgement-free zone. The vibes are right.

Next up

  • Blu3 invited by Coinbase to speak to lawmakers in Albany, NY to showcase real world use cases of blockchain in education
  • Speaking and hosting events at ETHArgentina, ETHRio & NFTNYC
  • Blu3 Hacks ETHWaterloo & ETHNewYork
  • Blu3 Africa plans: Graduation ceremony for Solidity Bootcamp Cohort 1, Solidity Bootcamp Cohort 2, Web3 Career Days, ETHSafari. -Internship program in collaboration with Sparx Labs -IRL blockchain & hackathon onboarding workshops with local universities in NY & NJ.

Interested in becoming a Blu3 Member?

Be part of this tight-knit, high-vibe, collaborative community. Explore and expand your knowledge of blockchain technology and crypto. Attend blockchain conference, meetups and hackathons to learn from industry experts, find inspiration, fresh ideas and connect with your tribe! Land your next job and/or launch your dream project.

Celebrate your accomplishments, network, brainstorm, and BUILD!

Blu3 Global History

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