
$150.22 crowdfunded from 84 people

$426.88 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Nonprofit Bluechip evaluates stablecoin safety with the free SMIDGE rating framework, aiming to inform users and improve the stablecoin ecosystem's trustworthiness through transparency and accountability.

Bluechip is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to evaluating stablecoin safety and sharing our conclusions with the world at no cost. Our goal is to help every type of user make safer decisions, from people considering holding stablecoins for the first time, to regular users, to experts who manage large treasuries.

The need that Bluechip is trying to address is freely-accessible and credible information about the safety of stablecoins. Towards this objective, we developed an appropriate rating methodology that accounts for each stablecoin's constituent risks. The result of this effort is the SMIDGE rating framework: Stability, Management, Implementation, Decentralization, Governance, Externals.

SMIDGE focuses on the fact that stablecoin projects are not to be trusted without solid evidence, and it pulls together the best available evidence on which project looks safer than others. We offer simple letter grades, more sophisticated graphics that sum up a stablecoin's strengths and weaknesses, and full reports that evaluate these and offer suggestions for improvement.

Over the long run Bluechip aims to have important network effects, not just helping individual users make better choices, but also helping the entire stablecoin ecosystem become safer and more trustworthy, both by putting a spotlight on poor practices and by encouraging stablecoin projects to disclose more information about their liabilities, asset holdings, management quality, and governance systems.

Bluechip History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 84 people contributed $150 to the project, and $427 of match funding was provided.

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