(BOOK PROJECT) Self-Infrastructuring: How Decentralised Technology Communities Organise & Govern

$73.60 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Writing a novel exploring "self-infrastructuring," how decentralized technologies enable collective self-organization, targeting Web3 practitioners, with funds aiding in creating accessible materials and seminars.


Help me to undertake a book project!

This book builds on years qualitative research to develop the concept of "self-infrastructuring" (see: https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231159002) into a widely accessible, narrative style novel.

This book will make a seminal contribution by detailing the practices of “self-infrastructuring” as the means by which how groups of people self-organise and govern via decentralised technologies.

By showing the affordances and limitations of blockchain, “Decentralised Autonomous Organisations”, decentralised data management protocols, markets, and, governance, Open Hardware, and AI governance, it will be an important resource for Web3 practitioners and newcomers alike.

It will also provide a rich, ethnographic contribution by detailing the dynamics of self-governance in decentralised technology communities to support more resilient governance and operational practices in decentralised technology communities.


Funds will be used to produce artefacts related to the book project (i.e. highly accessible summaries, online seminars, recorded videos, graphics, and opensource book if possible although this can be very expensive if self-funded)


I make significant effort to ensure my research efforts are made open and accessible. I have a track-record of high-quality opensource and governance research contributions (see: https://substack.com/@kelsienabben ; kelsien.github.io/ ; https://github.com/kelsien/datagovernancepatterns)

(BOOK PROJECT) Self-Infrastructuring: How Decentralised Technology Communities Organise & Govern History

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