Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente)
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Living lab with a learning center, regenerative farm, residential community, and mutual aid network focusing on reciprocity, regeneration, and cultural transition.

Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente) is a living lab embodied through a learning center, regenerative farm, emerging residential community, and mutual-aid network.

The impulse for Tierra Valiente stems from an awareness of our civilizational trajectory within the dominant culture embedded with the logics of extraction, colonization, and separation from the living world. We are both informed by this critical lens and inspired to create outside of the old incentive landscapes to build a culture rooted in reciprocity, regeneration and resiliency.


Our 88-acre commons is home to the Center for Cultural Transition, a learning center where we offer experiences at the intersection of the political, spiritual and ecological all through an animist lens. We are curating these containers to decolonize the conditioning of the dominant system and to be in deeper service to our collective potential.


Our regenerative and syntropic farm is integrated into our center both providing the nourishment for guests and acting as a demonstration site to share the importance and benefits of these practices to grow healthy foods, revitalize our soils and sequester carbon.


Our mutual-aid network, Fuerza De Amor, serves the local community in which we are embedded through acts of service and solidarity. Through deep listening to the needs of the community the activities of the mutual-aid network have ranged over the years from home renovations to create dignified and safe living conditions, planting food gardens, repairs on the local school, and programs for the youth.


Tierra Valiente serves as an incubator for sister projects that are stewarded by members of the community including: Culture Hack Labs (CHL) and Transition Resource Circle (TRC).

Culture Hack Labs is a not-for-profit that supports social movements, foundations and activists to shift the cultural narratives that create and justify ecological breakdown, extraction, and inequality.

Transition Resource Circle is a “temporary organizational zone” that focuses on evolving the philanthropic sector with the intention of rebalancing wealth, power and historical injustices.


In a time of systems collapse, our intention is to embody the transition pathways that create other possibilities in service to Life.

“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.” Ilya Prigogine


Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente) History

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