Carl Zielinski | Princeton Blockchain Club

$262.94 crowdfunded from 154 people

$6,676.66 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Oversaw the expansion of Princeton's student-led blockchain club, growing it to a prominent position within the Arbitrum DAO with over 200 members.

Co-Founder and Head of Governance at the Princeton Blockchain Club (PBC)

PBC is Princeton University's largest student-run blockchain hub, featuring over 200 undergrads, grads, and alums interested in the frontier of Web3!

I kickstarted the PBC governance arm, and recently grew our team to 20 undergrad contributors. As of November 2023, we're currently the largest University delegate in the Arbitrum DAO.

Carl Zielinski | Princeton Blockchain Club History

People donating to Carl Zielinski | Princeton Blockchain Club, also donated to

Grant program rewarding Onda staff for valuable community contributions.
Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
A research group is investigating bonding curves as a tool for stabilizing token economies in DAOs, aiming to educate and develop sustainable Web3 economic models.
MetaCamp: A convergence hub for digital communities to explore governance, DAOs, network states, and wellness through facilitated discussions and immersive group activities.
Summarized Project Description: Maintaining a registry of open source projects for Ethereum ecosystems, creating impact metrics, and providing data access for funders and developers through an open-source platform.