Chainlyze Labs
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Chainlyze aims to democratize access to premium blockchain data analysis, enabling users to track smart money and make informed crypto investments without high costs.

Data Access For The People

Blockchain data is free, immutable, and transparent. With such a low barrier to entry to read and analyze the blockchain, why do so many Web3 data sites have such high access premiums?

Access to high-quality blockchain data analysis should not be stuck behind paywalls accessible only to big corporations that pay high premiums.

Goals and Mission

One of the smartest strategies in crypto investment is to follow the smart money — money and investments that are made by active and prolific crypto wallets.

The Chainlyze team — seven real-life friends with deep Web3 backgrounds — is building a platform that easily allows people to conduct on-chain analysis.

Chainlyze will equip users with the right tools to identify or monitor where smart money flows. There will be tools to check and follow the transactions of notable wallets, keep tabs on top NFT holders, and monitor the most important metrics for tracking smart money.

Not everyone is a whale, but with access to data and well-researched reports, Chainlyze believes everyone has a chance. The team wants to solve this data accessibility problem and bring high-quality data analysis back to users at an affordable price.

Chainlyze Labs History

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