Colledge: A open and free web3 academy for Latin America

$64.20 crowdfunded from 5 people

$211.24 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Building a free, open Web3 educational platform for Latin America to increase knowledge and adoption, aiming to reach over 1 million people with Spanish-language resources and research.

Colledge: A open and free web3 academy for Latin America

Tagline Creation of a research team for the development of free and open educational material in Spanish.


Beginings Created in 2019, our academy aims to attract more than one million people to web3 in Latin America. To achieve this, education is fundamental. Through the creation of practical guides, tutorials, videos and open courses, our academy has been able to attract more than 6,000 students to this technology in diverse areas such as business, programming, investments and legaltech, but there is still a lot of work to do in terms of creating this free content for Latin America.

Development In 2022 we carried out a small research regarding the use of cryptocurrencies in Chile, where we realized that 66% of those who have acquired cryptocurrencies have no knowledge about it.

Based on this, we realized that there is a need for people to understand where they invest their money, security aspects and above all to understand the potential of the technology.

Based on the material and educational activities that we have carried out both virtually and in person, we have realized that it is often necessary to have more material in Spanish for a better understanding of the concepts. This is even more important in the case of more technical aspects. On the other hand, being able to access all the knowledge that can be obtained in technical events around the world is very complicated, especially because of the cost of transportation.

Execution It is now necessary to get into more advanced content, to better understand how the different networks and applications work, in order to attract more programmers, entrepreneurs and innovators who will develop the applications of the future that will impact Latin Americans.

For this, we seek to create a research area where we have specialists in various areas, who can attend technical events, to contribute their vision from Latin America and in this way we can position our region as one of the most important in terms of web3 and decentralization.

It is also necessary to be able to bring this technology closer to different cultures, ethnicities and groups of people. We seek greater diversification and inclusion in Latin America.

Other features

  • Telegram with more +800 people
  • Discord with more than +700 people
  • Twitter with more than +8,600 followers
  • Instagram with more than +6,000 followers
  • Website
  • Beacons Linktree

Future vision

Our vision is that those researchers who are part of our program can publicize the research we are conducting, showing real cases in global events. Also, they can bring all that experience and knowledge to our region, so that more people, from all corners and social groups, can visualize and get into this technology.

Market perspective

There are currently more than 670 million people in Latin America, and it is estimated that there are approximately 30 million cryptocurrency users. This represents 4.4% of the population. This is a region where only 50% of the population has access to the financial system and only 30% to credit. We strongly believe that through decentralized networks, blockchain and web3, Latin America can become a more inclusive region, with more opportunities for everyone. That is why our goal is to attract more than 1 million people to this technology.

Problem being solved

In 2022 we carried out a small research regarding the use of cryptocurrencies in Chile, where we realized that 66% of those who have acquired cryptocurrencies have no knowledge about it.

Publication of our study:

Based on this, we realized that there is a need for people to understand where they invest their money, security aspects and above all to understand the potential of the technology.

We are looking to do more of this research, analyze the technical aspects and in this way provide studies and analysis that will allow more people to be part of this technology, but with knowledge.

What will we do with the funds?

We will use the funds to create a research area where we will be able to pay for the hours that specialists will dedicate to carry out various investigations such as:

  • Technical research
  • Adoption and use case research
  • Analysis of opportunities in various areas This research will be published in Spanish and open to all. The funds will also allow our research team to participate in global events where they will be able to present this research and at the same time connect with the international technical community, and thus bring this knowledge to the region. Some of the materials we will develop will be:
  • Guides in Spanish
  • Tutorials
  • Explanatory videos
  • Workshops and courses
  • Meetups

Dream Team

Cristobal Pereira @crispereira.eth - CEO: I'm from Chile. Crypto & Blockchain entrepreneur since 2015. Building Colledge y Blockchain Summit Latam. Instructor in Blockchain & crypto training programs.

Linkedin: Twitter:

Antonio Lopez CTO: I am from Venezuela. I love web application development. I'm self-taught and have learned many programming languages. I have lived in different countries.


Paulina Espinoza Academic Manager: I'm from México. I'm an Educational technology specialist. At this moment. I love teaching, but at the same time impacting people.

Twitter: LinkedIn:

Ricardo Vera Sales Manager: My profession is a lawyer but I find myself enjoying the world of sales on Blockchain.

LinkedIn: Twitter:

Alejandra Pacheco Partners & Incubator Manager: I'm from Mexico. Building Web3 community since 2019. Blockchain content translator.

Linkedin: Twitter:

Cristian Velez Front-End Developer: I am from Colombia, I specialize in front end development. I have learned and fallen in love with crypto and web3. I think it will really have a tremendous potential for the region.

Alexander Alvarado Back-End Developer: I'm from Mexico.P hD in Computer Science, Experience as Web and Mobile developer, at this moment I'm learning and applying web3.


Amelia Arias Operations Manager: I'm from Colombia but living in Argentina. Background in treasury and cryptocurrency exchange.


Colledge: A open and free web3 academy for Latin America History

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