Content creation about liquid token from Meta Pool

$137.65 crowdfunded from 45 people

$1,082.51 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Educational community scaling up by recruiting and training Ethereum enthusiasts to develop decentralized projects, hosting events and producing content on NEAR Protocol and Ethereum for Spanish-speaking audiences.

Summary πŸ“š

Open Web Academy (OWA) is an educational community that runs Web 3 learning programs to teach people how to develop and launch decentralized projects; He develops IRL events to incorporate new web builders 3 and promotes the creation of enabling solutions on NEAR Protocol, Ethereum and other chains. Now OWA wants to scale with the recruitment of Ethereum enthusiasts and builders and their EVMs by creating educational content for the promotion and positioning of the new tools that are incorporated into the ecosystem every day.

Our team includes: 🌐

  • Nicole Arreola : Professor of software development and dev relations
  • Alan Estrada : NEAR certified developer and co-founder of web 3.0 projects at NEAR.
  • Irving CariΓ±o : Certified NEAR Analyst, NEAR * * Professor and Google Lv2 Professor.
  • +a select group of developers and creators contend

OWA social networks. πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Website:
  • Youtube:
  • Twitter (now
  • Telegram: Telegram: Contact @openwebhouse
  • Discord:
  • Instagram:

Proposal πŸ—οΈπŸ‘·

Generation of a series of valuable content with a duration of 6 weeks from its approval that will arouse the interest of new builders and enthusiasts of the Meta Pool ecosystem and will show the highlights of the liquid staking platform of the following activities in 100% language Spanish.

  • "Unlocking Liquidity" - Video series (maximum 5 minutes) talking about the different liquid staking token products like stNEAR, stAUR and mpETH and $META. 5 videos on Youtube

  • Blog post written about the new Meta Pool liquid staking tokens on NEAR and Ethereum. 2 blog posts in the Medium and OWA Blog

  • "Exploring liquidity" - Live exploration session and detailed explanation of all sections of the Meta Pool platform, such as staking, liquidity, voting, launchpad, etc. + clips of important moments in vertical format. 2 live sessions on Youtube and Telegram Video

Value proposal. 🀩

  • Content 100% in Spanish for Latino communities
  • Content created by technical staff with experience in NEAR and Ethereum and with the support of digital marketing specialists.
  • Follow-up of participants who show interest in the content through the telegram group

Content creation about liquid token from Meta Pool History

  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 45 people contributed $138 to the project, and $1,083 of match funding was provided.

People donating to Content creation about liquid token from Meta Pool, also donated to

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