What is coordination-stack?
Coordination-stack is a tool kit that enables internet native organisations to be efficient.
Why do we need coordination-stack?
Humans need to trust each other to coordinate and create non-zero sum output. In traditional organisations, trust is established among different entities using different tools and processes. • We rely on employment agreements to enable trust between companies and employees. • In traditional companies, everyone works in the same physical offices, so productivity is easy to measure. • Companies hire new people after spending much time and money on background checks and interviews. But this is inefficient, especially in the time when we are moving to remote work. People want to work from different places, with the people they like to work, on the problems they feel passionate about. We call them internet native organisations. In these types of organisations there are 1000s or even millions of people play their part in making the organisation successful. Web3 communities are an example of that. We believe all organisations will work like that in future.
These internet native organisations need incentives and identity tools to build trust to enable coordination. That's what coordination-stack is trying to solve.
We are building multiple stacks as part of the coordination-stack to enable internet organisations work at scale.
Attribution stack - The 1st stack we are working on is called attribution stack. Attribution stack is the base layer of coordination stack. The goal of attribution stack is to put contribution data onchain. Organisations upload points of all the contirbutors every month for a specific guild/tag. A guild can be dev/design/product management/marketing. And an organisation can create sub organisation to even further sub categorise guilds like Starknet Dev as organisation and backend/frontend as guilds. Points are computed offchain as different organisations and guild will have different frameworks to compute points. Attibution data remains immutable.
Financial stack - Financial stack helps organisation distribute incentives in a permissionless and transparant way using the attribution stack. For example an organisation can distribute 100k to dev guild and all the contributors in the dev guild can claim their precomputed rewards themselves based on their points earned for a particular period.
Identity stack - Identity stack helps contributors build their identity and as a result help them get access to more opportunities and influence over time. For example an organisation might decide to airdrop all the people who contributed to Starknet in a quantifiable way instead on relying on who made a typo commit in Starknet github. Or a founder can show a VC that she was the 1st engineer at Starknet and contributed meaningfully.
Governance stack - Governance stack helps created a modular governance framework to let organisations adopt different governance modules for different guild. For example an organisation might want to give higher power to design points for any design level decision or higher points to marketing guild points.
We use smart contracts to bring transparency and composability to human coordination. Most humans don't think of finance through out their whole day like we degens do. Most human create productive outcome for the world, get paid in a bank account and use that money to passive invest and sometime speculate. That's how we believe humans will adopt crypto and not the speculative financial way we see today with 100s of chains and meaningless tokens. By bringing human input and output onchain we will open up the whole human labour economy onchain.
Few Examples:
New kind of banks When some earns their salary in a bank account they don't think about switching the bank account, in similar ways when someone will get their rewards on chain for their work they will like to invest it from long term perspective. This will become the bank for them. Banks has the highest retentions compared to any exchanges or financial products we see. Banks has billions of users.
Credit Finance Many times we have heard people talking about when blockchains will enable uncollateralized loans. With all the contribution data coming onchain and the financial rewards coming onchain it will be very easy for lenders to issue credit to people. Since they can see how much a person is earning since last 6 month, how consistently they are working and earning and who is paying them.
Blockchain's most powerful value add to the society is composability and transparency. We are bringing composability and transparency to human coordination. We believe that's the way billions of human will onboard and use blockchain.
Development timeline
ETH India December 2023
a. Start project development b. Design Smart Contracts for Organisation Factory, Treasury and Salary c. Design UI/UX on frontend d. Develop a MVP frontend to illustrate organisation creation e. Docs and ideation https://coordination-play.gitbook.io/ f. Hackathon Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_hv2bNCvdINQp1-HQrkr9KBlgU2LKPQqtWDPoS3ryPQ/edit?usp=sharing g. Hackathon Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyRZRuPSYEI h. Further defining product specs https://coordination-play.notion.site/product-doc-e955ed92250848338d2925978d73235d?pvs=4 i. Technical diagrams https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNCL7CT0=/?share_link_id=491199473090
January 2024
a. Call on improving UI design b. Continuing work on contracts c. Progress updates
- IPFS Metadata, Pay Salary & minor UI stuff are still in development
- Notifications and activity log is on pause because we need an indexer for that
- app is completely mobile responsive, but won't be able to connect wallet on mobile due to some issues.
- app is complete PWA (tested on Android, linux, Windows & MacOS)
- for upload points you must provide .csv in format [address],[points]
February 2024
a. Worked on adding Guilds to Organisations b. Updates on points allocation and frontend functions c. Reduce Organisation creation fee
March 2024
a. Improving UI/UX and resolving frontend bugs b. Testing create organisation, create guilds, salary and c. treasury deployment
April 2024
a. Develop ApiBara Indexer to index factory b. Testing deployments with major Starknet wallets
Contract Addresses
Current version
Factory: https://sepolia.starkscan.co/contract/0x0603c4273d547ecfccc3c89bcfce9a11b454e0acb9a1c22166846cfda1ad7756#read-write-contract
Factory: https://testnet.starkscan.co/contract/0x017fda9d57cbb207c2cc99958f7174ea70c0e4629572b271178d70cff77361ae#read-write-contract-sub-read
Organisation: https://testnet.starkscan.co/contract/0x02143741ec81c7dd4209405b2d85c1c730152e8a37b3fdfbfdd26f86fc25f6ef#read-write-contract-sub-read
Guild: https://testnet.starkscan.co/contract/0x067eb87ce17d9d8fbcf655a7b27ca627894532c006911d6696587fca10f21d15#read-write-contract-sub-write
SalaryDistributor: https://testnet.starkscan.co/contract/0x00d705fd5b47a363d8e37f35a216f36a42b0eff2801c1244809d3518285f0ad3#read-write-contract
Coordination-Play History
accepted into Hackathon Alumni 10 months ago.