Crypto Basics Club
average score over 1 application evaluations
Hyperlocal meetups for web3 education, focusing on practical uses for web2 entrepreneurs, with monthly in-person events, online community, and a biweekly newsletter.

Crypto Basics Club is a network of hyperlocal meetups sharing web3 education from first principles for entrepreneurs and builders.

We focus our education on explaining the basics of how web3 tech works, but focus on practical uses and existing tooling that traditionally web2 entrepreneurs, builders and creatives can use to incorporate web3 into their businesses and projects.

Our chapters meet once per month in person (where possible) to eat, drink, learn, and build relationships with others who share an interest in web3. We also have a Telegram chat as an online home for the community, and a Crypto Basics Club newsletter that shares simple web3 concepts every two weeks.

Crypto Basics Club History

Explore projects

Developing a web3 platform for easy deployment and management of Polygon nodes and validators, with monitoring, alerting, and debugging features.
Create decentralized websites with a drag-and-drop interface, publish on IPFS, and integrate with ENS domains for easy transfer and management.
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Gloria, if Gloria did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Test: Cut out the middle man, thrift through tokenised resale.