
$7.17 crowdfunded from 2 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Empowering 10,000 Hispanic women in blockchain and AI via educational resources, a no-code NFT platform, and community engagement with global outreach and core contributors. Seeking Gitcoin Grant for expansion.

We are a DAO focused on promoting inclusion, diversity, and education within the Hispanic community. Our mission is to empower female Latin-American content creators by educating 10,000 women about blockchain and AI technologies. We have a proven track record in the Web3 space and have been actively working towards our long-term goals, which include fostering economic opportunities for underrepresented communities and promoting diversity within the industry.

We provide educational resources such as podcasts, newsletters, videos, guides and blog posts.

The first Cryptonikas podcast season has 78 podcast episodes streaming on Apple, Spotify and YouTube with 60 active listeners per episode, an average of 80 minutes of consumption and 5,000 listeners with reach mainly in the United States, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Switzerland, Peru, Chile and Argentina.

We are working to create a teach-to-earn no-code tool that enables Hispanic content creators to easily share their projects and monetize using NFTs. Through our platform, we aim to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about blockchain and AI technologies, and we are committed to protecting users by investigating bad actors and promoting user safety. Eight active core contributors from Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Spain, and the support of 10 advisors and thought leaders in the blockchain ecosystem.

Launched partnerships with top projects for blockchain adoption such as: Soulbound token with Doingud, spaces with ShapeShift, adoption of blockchain while building in Livepeer.

We have a tokenized community with NFT membership: 108 active members, 600 followers on Instagram, 2,000 Twitter, 1,000 on Discord for a total engagement of 4,000 active audience.

The Gitcoin Grant will be used to support our mission of promoting inclusion, diversity, and education within the Hispanic community. Specifically, the grant will enable us to expand our educational resources, increase our outreach efforts, and build more infrastructure to support our growing community.

With the grant, we plan to create more educational content, such as podcasts, newsletters, and blog posts to continue our onboarding efforts and to develop our teach-to-earn no-code tool for sharing and monetizing NFTs. We also plan to use the grant to expand our outreach efforts and increase our community engagement through events, workshops, and hackathons.

In addition, we plan to use the grant to build more infrastructure to support our growing community. This may include improving our website and communication channels, building new tools and services, and providing more support and resources to our members. Overall, the Gitcoin Grant will play a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission of empowering female Latin-American content creators and promoting diversity and inclusivity within the Web3 ecosystem.

Check our content including youtube tutorials, medium articles, podcasts, and more:

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