dAgora - Never Create Alone

$197.21 crowdfunded from 52 people

$678.00 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Transforming online discussions into an active, content-rich community hub using Web3, focusing on modules for content collection, curation, subscription, co-creation, and value distribution for sustainable creative collaboration.


dAgora wants to transform and recreate an active online discussion space. Here we encourage expression and communication, creating the conditions for people to meet people, and nurturing the seeds of co-creation. We explore the value distribution of co-creation, laying the foundations for a sustainable creative community.

We believe that community is essential to the success of Web3. That's why we're committed to creating products that fit the needs and interests of diverse communities, and to ensuring that our platform serves as a hub for innovation and creativity.

What is dAgora?

dAgora is a creator service built on Web3 technology and centred around community-generated content. It will contain a series of constituent modules, including content collection, subscription, curation, and co-creation.

Cori - Content Collection

dAgora's first module, Cori, enables users to deposit valuable content from digital communities onto the blockchain, with decentralized storage and ownership confirmation.

The MVP version of Cori is a Discord/telegram-based bot, that allows members to curate conversations by adding summaries and tagging. Curated conversations are then stored on a blockchain, including information such as the Discord/telegram server ID, channel, author, and curator.

Cori's content is stored on IPFS, and content rights information is stored on the public chain Crossbell. Any Discord/telegram moderator can add Cori to their server, allowing members to save the best content on the chain. In the future, Cori will support more social scenarios beyond Discord and Telegram.

Other modules - subscription, curation, co-creation (under development)


As we display the contents that Cori has stored on dAgora, we also provide a versatile subscription feature that allows users to subscribe to communities, contributors, curators, tags, and more.


The curation module plays an important role in the distribution of quality content. Based on the Crossbell protocol, all content on dAgora can be minted as NFTs. Holders can add multiple NFTs to a custom list of categories, to enable the decentralised curation of content. Each list can also be subscribed to.

Curating is also a re-creation process which is based on the existing content. Therefore, we will also enable the curation process to partake in the distribution of value alongside content creation.


The content available on dAgora serves not only as something to view or collect but also as a source of inspiration and creativity. In order to facilitate this, we are developing the co-creation module, in which we will be collaborating with xLog, another open-source project in the Crossbell ecosystem. Users will be able to use methods such as the 'Zettelkasten Method' to initiate their own content creations based on a collection of NFTs. They can publish their content to xLog to achieve decentralized publication.

It's important to note that the content and the original author of the referenced NFTs will be showcased in the article and will partake in the distribution of value.

Future plans

The web module of dAgora is currently under development as a community project, and we are actively seeking contributors.

In the future, we intend to utilize tokens to incentivize contributors who directly contribute to content creation, curation, and project development.

Sparks of inspiration alight, where unexpected paths unite

Discussions and conversations are important scenes for creativity and inspiration. Online communities are like cafes where discussions happen every day. With Cori, we can save these timely conversations and display them on the chain. Presenting the community's content on the dAgora homepage can effectively help the community to attract more quality discussions and active members who share the same interests.

In addition, people who engage in conversations at cafes are often active in different communities across different platforms, and their social reputation is not preserved due to the scattered data that is difficult to manage. However, with Cori, users can store their conversations in a decentralized manner and aggregate them on their personal page on dAgora, thereby confirming their content ownership. This provides individual creators with diverse spaces in the community and Agora serves as a channel for aggregating social reputation and content creation.

Circulation and distribution of value

Capturing the exciting collisions of ideas from everyday conversations not only protects the value of the content we create but also facilitates its continued dissemination, which is essential for creating more value. In this process, content curation plays a crucial role. Furthermore, the inherently decentralized design of curation allows for a more diverse range of voices to be heard.

In addition, regardless of the content's source, whether from the community or an individual, the value generated in the dissemination process has long been appropriated by platforms and companies. We hope that dAgora can help content creators, curators, and re-creators to participate in value sharing while helping to establish better connections within the content creation community.

Our team and our story

We formed the team within a community called ‘dDAO‘. Not only we are co-workers working on a project, but we are also friends that have mutual goals. Drawing inspiration from the community's inherent needs of co-creation, we conceived and developed the dAgora(Cori bot), facilitating discussions and collaborative efforts within the digital communities. It is in active use within the TPDAO community, a web3 project research and co-creation platform. Furthermore, it finds application in Zuzalu, a pop-up city community, as well as Uncommons, a crypto salon dedicated to the study of public goods.

dAgora has solidified our belief in the concept of product-community fit, yet it has also made us realize that the current user base within the web3 sphere is insufficient to fully support complicated scenarios. As a result, we are also exploring new scenarios with lower barriers and broader user appeal, capable of achieving mass adoption. We are building a social protocol called Nomland which will serve diverse communities scenarios along with dAgora.

dAgora - Never Create Alone History

  • accepted into Zuzalu Continuous Innovation 1 year ago. 29 people contributed $64 to the project, and $212 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 23 people contributed $134 to the project, and $466 of match funding was provided.

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