Damu (damianmarti.eth)

$133.37 crowdfunded from 18 people

$957.64 received from matching pools

Developer of various blockchain projects including games (Morra, PixelRoll, LoogieBoard Game), NFT collections (FancyLoogies, Roboto SVG), and dApps (Quadratic Diplomacy, Event Ticketing). Active in BuidlGuidl community.

BuildGuidl Damage Dealer since September 2021 (https://app.buidlguidl.com/builders/0x5dCb5f4F39Caa6Ca25380cfc42280330b49d3c93)

BG Sand Garden member (https://sand-garden.vercel.app/)

BG ENS Cohort Stream member (https://ens.buidlguidl.com/)


  • OptimisticLoogies https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/V58rFtXDRN0Y9U3DA9yp
  • FancyLoogies https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/f4NnOeP0bBcUZtX9Wcp1
  • OptimisticLoogies Claim https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/lKpDqMJMI6ygKk0Om9Wu
  • LoogieBoard Game https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/WLH0QBbiV1fM1f4Qg92b
  • FancyEarrings for FancyLoogies https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/dJQXqzXzhYwarql2Ss2E
  • SailorLoogies - FancyLoogies go fishing https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/wCo8CFGe6SCCjdaNAc8F
  • OptimisticLoogiesV2 https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/w9sk2jArS7Se9TLtSjUP

On-chain Games:

  • Morra Game https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/hBHttqCZ4DfIki6KWHVz
  • PixelRoll https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/MtLaUN9TMq2U2LK5aM7E


  • Roboto SVG https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/EcCZBkrSgNcX48Z6cTy9
  • MandalaMerge NFT https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/zLaqIhMq7WLT9P0Isf5E
  • Ethers Phoenix https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/WcQd2IW5hT105NDOMCIw


  • Quadratic diplomacy https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/4fhieAs8Vr1gFQmgJ2k4
  • ETHDenver Purchase Food Dapp https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/ECwiw2YreRsEw10ktW9q
  • TicketKiosk - Event tickets on-chain https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/lbqAJruMyM0LZMFRKBux
  • BettingRoom - https://app.buidlguidl.com/build/TpqYFzQ8gidMIg4axfS2

Scaffold-ETH 2 contributor https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-2

Event Wallet https://github.com/BuidlGuidl/event-wallet

Fruit Market Game https://github.com/BuidlGuidl/fruit-market

And a lot more builds! https://app.buidlguidl.com/builders/0x5dCb5f4F39Caa6Ca25380cfc42280330b49d3c93

All are open source! Find the documentation and link to the code on each build page.

Damu (damianmarti.eth) History

  • accepted into buidlguidl 1 year ago. 18 people contributed $133 to the project, and $958 of match funding was provided.

People donating to Damu (damianmarti.eth), also donated to

Saimano here, from Raidguild.
Developed Discord bots and participated in raids since October 2020 with a history of contributions detailed at a specific URL.
Created and migrated a DAO to V3, facilitated decision-making by providing alternative perspectives, and integrated disparate repositories to streamline project coordination.
Conducting PhD research on how digital identity governance can be tailored to the unique needs and cost challenges of small island states.
MetaCamp: A convergence hub for digital communities to explore governance, DAOs, network states, and wellness through facilitated discussions and immersive group activities.