average score over 2 application evaluations
Data2Cash is a privacy-focused infrastructure enabling users to monetize their data across web2 and web3 using Zero-Knowledge Proofs to create comprehensive, anonymized profiles for rewards.

Data2Cash is a privacy-preserving data assetization infrastructure that aims to allow users to benefit from their own data. In the current web2 and web3 worlds, the value of users' data has not genuinely flowed to the users. Data2Cash addresses this issue through the following methods:

Allowing users to have more data than others by aggregating a person's various on-chain wallet addresses and off-chain platforms (such as Twitter, Discord, and GitHub), creating a comprehensive user profile. Using Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZK) technology, allowing users to aggregate on-chain and off-chain data and generate valuable user profiles without revealing account associations. The core component of Data2Cash is divided into four layers: Credential Discovery Layer, ZK Computation Layer, User Identity Layer, and User Profile Data Layer. Data curators define valuable credentials based on B-end demand. Users can claim the corresponding credentials when they meet the requirements. With the ZK proof generated by the ZK calculation layer, users can prove that they own a particular credential without disclosing any actual account information. The user identity layer and user profile data layer provide data and application services to developers through APIs to meet the actual needs of the project side.

In Data2Cash's economic model, Projects need to pay for user data when using products. The majority of the fees are returned to users, with a portion rewarding application developers and data curators. As a result, the project side can capture the attention of target users, and users can earn rewards by providing their data.

Data2Cash History

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