$2,293.08 crowdfunded from 33 people

$2,806.34 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A peer-to-peer lending platform using financial NFTs as receipts, allowing customizable loan terms and secondary market trading of loan agreements.

It's a true P2P lending platform that lets you find a tailor-made solution for your need by letting choose collateral, interest rate, duration, installments, and crypto asset of your choosing. It mints a receipt for each party ( loan or debt ) in the form of a financial NFTs. This main functionality allows you to sell your part of the agreement in secondary markets. This option opens a world of possibilities, from derivatives and structured products to users being able to opt out of their agreements at market prices (with a discount or premium). Also given that it's P2P with no intermediates this will allow for each part to get a better rate.

Debita History

  • accepted into Vault Round 1 1 year ago. 33 people contributed $2,293 to the project, and $2,806 of match funding was provided.

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A swap and perpetual DEX offering secure, liquid trading for various blue-chip crypto assets.