Defi Wars
average score over 1 application evaluations
Educational analytics site for crypto data, tracking token holders, liquid wrappers, LSDs across 40 protocol wars, 13 blockchains, and 150+ projects, planning to expand features.

Defi Wars is an educational analytics site with a mission to democratize access to crypto data.

Some of our top features include:

  • tracking top governance token holders (such as veCRV, vlCVX, etc.)
  • tracking pegs of liquid wrappers (such as cvxCRV, etc.)
  • tracking LSDs of Ethereum, Avalanche, and more
  • tracking pegs of LSDs such as stETH

We're currently tracking:

  • 40 protocol wars
  • 13 blockchains
  • 50+ liquid wrappers
  • 150+ projects

We have huge plans in the future to expand the data and features we offer and need your help!

Defi Wars History

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Our mission is to enhance collaboration, transparency, and growth within the Ethereum community, promote developer education on network upgrades, and support proposal development and consensus-building through resources and podcasts.
Disrupting social impact bonds with blockchain-based Tokenized Impact Bonds, enhancing transparency, leveraging smart contracts for evidence-based outcomes, and incentivizing participation through a utility ecosystem.
We propose a reputation aggregator system to evaluate blockchain-based grants programs, using on-chain data and grantee opinions to assign reputations, improving resource allocation and decision-making in the ecosystem.
Fullstack engineer Ivan Molto develops on-chain worlds, contributes to the Gitcoin ecosystem, and creates Dune analytics dashboards for identity staking and passport services. Future work includes "SpritePG," an engaging on-chain world.
Voluntary facilitator and researcher in Web3 communities, seeking grant for past contributions including educational events, book clubs, and technical sessions with resources available for public access.