DeSci Youths is an initiative with a mission to nurture and empower the younger generations around movements of positive change in the next iteration of the web. THE PROBLEM AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS
Scientific brain drain in Africa – Africa is losing vast brain power and practical skills gained through science education, exposure and training. This is due to the inefficiencies in our academic and research institutions. To curb this, we begun by creating an aggregation platform that showcases impact projects in the web 3 ecosystem and an update forum for Decentralized Science/DeSci. This platform serves as a hub for young scientists to discover impactful projects that align with their interests and innovate local solutions. Notion page- Discord Server-
Harm posed by digital exposure – Generation Z have caught up with digital advances of web 2 technologies, leaving some with traumas and addiction. We are currently designing a digital wellbeing program merged with STEAM reinforcements to be conducted in High schools and Youth groups in Kenya, we are bracing to launch this program next academic year and currently open for partnerships.
DeSci Youths History
applied to the Youth In Need 4 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state