Dessage is an open, censorship-resistant, global, and naturally cross-ecosystem communication platform.
By our unique public key and private key system, end-to-end encrypted communication is possible. The content is encrypted on user's local end device and any relay which is responsible to route the content can not decrypt it.
Users can bond his arbitrum address with his Dessage address. Anyone can search your arbitrum address to send the encrypted message to you.
By using Dessage, users can also communicate with different ecosystem and protocol. For example, users can directly search a nostr address in Dessage and send encrypted message to that address, and the owner of that nostr address can receive the message in Damus( A Dapp based on Nostr protocol) or other Dapp based on Nostr address. That owner can also directly reply the massage in Damus and our users can receive the message in Dessage.
Now we only support nostr protocol, but we can easily apply it to Farcaster, Lens, or other web3 protocol.
Our users can also bond his Dessage address to his Bitcoin Address, Etherum Address or other EVM address and Solana Address. So his friend can easily search any of his address to send message to him. All the message sent through Dessage are encrypted in users end-device and can be decrypted only by the private key of receiver.
In future, we will also bridge Dessage ecosystem to web2 platforms just like Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and so on.
Dessage History
accepted into Web3 Infrastructure 10 months ago.