DeTech.World - DeSci Platform

$12.12 crowdfunded from 3 people

$28.91 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Web3 platform for trading and investing in disruptive tech and DeSci, featuring IP-NFTs, instant IP protection, AI tech assessment, and novel funding and licensing tools.

We build a sort of “Ebay for disruptive technologies and DeSci”: our Web3 platforms enable features that blur the line between investing and innovating, such as trust-enabled showcasing technology assets, instant IP protection, IP-NFTs, custom IP-NFT marketplaces, new forms of collaboration and co-creation, AI based tech assessment, matching investors and innovations, and providing novel funding, monetization, licensing and investment tools for DeSci DAOs.

DeTech.World - DeSci Platform History

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