Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index

$42.93 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 2 application evaluations
Developing a scoring tool, the DAO Index, to evaluate and improve transparency and governance within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by standardizing assessment principles, creating a benchmark, and promoting shared understanding.

DGSF: Advancing Transparency and Governance in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Project Description

The Distributed Governance Score Framework (DGSF) project is developing an open and participatory framework to re-define how organizations assess their alignment with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). At the heart of the DGSF project lies our tool, the DAO Index.

The key features of the DAO Index include:

  • Standardized Principles: Offering a unified set of principles and language, DGSF enables clear measurement and reporting of an organization's alignment with DAO models.
  • Questionnaire: As a practical application of DGSF, the DAO Index operationalizes these principles into a user-friendly tool, bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and real-world implementation of decentralized governance.

The Challenge: Addressing the Transparency Poverty in DAOs

As interest in DAOs continues to rise, two critical gaps have become increasingly apparent — a gap in transparency and conceptual clarity. This issue, which we term "Transparency Poverty," poses a significant threat to the credibility and operational effectiveness of DAOs. The primary challenges contributing to this gap are:

  1. Insufficient Tools for Transparency: There is a noticeable lack of comprehensive tools capable of providing clear, transparent operations within DAOs. This void hinders both the internal efficiency of DAOs and the public's ability to fully comprehend their mechanisms.
  2. Lack of Comprehensive DAO Practices Repository: The DAO ecosystem is currently missing a centralized, well-curated repository that documents the spectrum of practices — both exemplary and suboptimal — within various DAOs. Such a resource is essential for learning, adaptation, and the avoidance of past pitfalls.
  3. Conceptual Misunderstandings: Across various sectors, including academia, industry, and society at large, there exists a significant gap in the fundamental understanding of what DAOs are and how they function. This lack of understanding stifles informed discussion, research, and development in the field.
  4. The Imaginary-Reality Gap: There is a stark contrast between the idealized vision of what DAOs promise to be and what they are in practice. This gap between theory and reality — the "imaginary-reality gap" — leads to misconceptions about the capabilities and limitations of DAOs, affecting stakeholder expectations and trust.

Addressing these challenges is vital for the advancement and sustainability of DAOs. By acknowledging and tackling these issues, we aim to contribute to the maturation and legitimization of the DAOs.

Research Questions

Our primary research question is how can we develop a standard and measurement tool to rate and benchmark DAO design features and governance processes, given the themes and sociotechnical imaginaries associated with DAOs?

Our secondary research questions include:

  1. How to define a DAO?;
  2. What are the sociotechnical imaginaries associated with DAOs?; and
  3. What are appropriate themes and organizing principles to bound DAOs practically?

Solution: Benchmarking DAO Design and Governance

To address these issues, we introduce the DAO Index, a set of organizing principles (eight as of Version 0.9), operationalized through a questionnaire, to revolutionize how organizational alignment with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are evaluated and benchmarked.

The current organizing principles are:

  1. Cross-border Coordination,
  2. Broad Stakeholder Participation,
  3. Practicing DAO Cooperativism,
  4. Cultural Patterns and Brand,
  5. Organizational Technology,
  6. Human-centered Algorithmic Governance,
  7. Information and Data Transparency, and
  8. DAO-2-DAO.

Through the DAO Index, we create a score expressing an organization's alignment with the DAO conceptualization, culminated in an easy-to-understand score and rating label.

The key benefits of the DAO Index include:

  • Rigorous Questionnaire for In-Depth Assessment: The DAO Index is operationalized through a carefully developed questionnaire (currently at Version 0.9), which is the cornerstone of our assessment methodology. This tool is engineered to measure a DAO's alignment with the ideal DAO conceptualization, encompassing a wide array of governance and operational aspects.
  • Integration of On- and Off-Chain Data: Our approach is unique in its comprehensive integration of both on- and off-chain data, primarily through quantitative analysis of on-chain data, and a qualitative analysis of off-chain governance and other organizational practices. This dual-pronged strategy ensures a holistic evaluation, capturing the full spectrum of DAO organizational design and governance models.
  • Creating a Benchmark for DAOs: By establishing a clear and robust assessment method, the DAO Index sets a new standard in the DAO community. It provides a quantifiable and qualitative benchmark against which DAOs can be evaluated, encouraging transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement.
  • Facilitating Comparative Analysis: With the DAO Index, stakeholders can compare DAOs of varying sizes and focuses on a level playing field. This comparative analysis is crucial for stakeholders to make informed decisions, whether for investment, collaboration, or research purposes.

In essence, the DAO Index is not just a tool for assessment; it's a comprehensive solution that brings clarity, standardization, and insightful analysis to the DAO ecosystem. It aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical ideals of DAOs and their practical implementations, thus contributing significantly to the advancement of decentralized governance.

Work to Date

Our project has produced several key outputs that contribute to understanding and evaluating DAOs through the DAO Index. These outputs include:

  1. Preliminary Analysis of Uniswap: a write-up on our draft assessment of Uniswap with the DAO Index Questionnaire, available at https://ledgerback.pubpub.org/pub/dxcy2zjr/release/1;
  2. DAO Index Dashboard: DAO Index Dashboard: A dashboard providing ratings and assessments of various DAOs with the DAO Index questionnaire, available at https://joan816.softr.app/;
  3. DAO Index Scorecard Toolkit: An Airtable base enabling comprehensive assessments of organizations with the DAO Index Questionnaire, available at https://airtable.com/appLWHWSN0Tf81C3V/shr7bQ5LcORabzm85;
  4. Preliminary Data Analysis: Our Jupyter Notebook offers an in-depth analysis of DAO Index data, showcasing our methodology and findings, available at https://github.com/Ledgerback/DGSF/blob/main/DGSF_DAO_Index_Analysis_Toolkit_2023_09_14_V03_Public.ipynb;
  5. Background Knowledge Quiz: A quiz designed to enhance understanding of DAOs, facilitating better engagement with the DAO Index assessments, available at https://airtable.com/appD5ab5jcYsnDLeI/shrmBlxqbiGusPSYG;
  6. DAO Index User Guide: A guide for using the DAO Index Questionnaire to assess an organization, available at https://medium.com/p/dao-index-user-guide-cf44f5998f40;
  7. Computing the Banzhaf Power Index for voters in the GR16 Round Structure Gitcoin Proposal: A short publication on calculating the Banzhaf Power Index scores for voters in a Gitcoin round, available at: https://ledgerback.pubpub.org/pub/vvb6n3nd/release/2.

Note: All these outputs are part of an ongoing process of iteration and refinement, demonstrating our commitment to continuously improving the DAO Index.

DAO Index Assessment Process

The DAO Index assessment is a meticulous six-step procedure designed to ensure accuracy, transparency, and active participation from the DAO community. The process unfolds as follows:

  1. Initial Draft Assessment: Utilizing the DAO Index Questionnaire, we conduct an initial assessment based on publicly available information about a DAO. This stage forms the foundation of our analysis.
  2. Draft Publication: The initial assessment findings are then published on the DAO Index Dashboard. Additionally, a comprehensive write-up detailing this preliminary evaluation is made available for public viewing and feedback.
  3. Community Engagement: In this critical phase, we actively engage with representatives from the DAO under review. Their insights and feedback on both the DAO Index and the draft assessment are solicited to ensure a well-rounded evaluation.
  4. Final Assessment Compilation: The final assessment integrates feedback received in the previous step. It also considers any new information or developments that have emerged since the initial assessment, ensuring the final report is up-to-date and reflective of the latest DAO dynamics.
  5. Final Assessment Dissemination: Similar to the draft stage, the final assessment is published on the DAO Index Dashboard for transparency. A detailed write-up, encompassing all the insights and conclusions from the entire assessment process, is also made publicly available.
  6. Ongoing Review Cycle: Recognizing the dynamic nature of DAOs, this step involves revisiting and reassessing DAOs periodically. This iterative approach ensures that the DAO Index remains relevant and accurately reflects the evolving landscape of DAO governance.


Three possible use-cases for the DAO Index include:

  1. research and analysis of DAOs with the DAO Index data repository (assessments, scores, evidence-base, etc.),
  2. rating labels and badges as easily understandable indicators of DAO Index scores, and
  3. highlighting and sharing DAO (good and bad) practices with DAO operators and the public

Target Audience

Our project, the DAO Index, is uniquely positioned to serve a wide array of stakeholders in the DAO ecosystem, enhancing their understanding and facilitating transparent governance. The Index complements existing quantitative measures by integrating qualitative insights, thus offering a more nuanced understanding of DAO governance structures. This combination of qualitative and quantitative insights is pivotal in dispelling "decentralization theater," illuminating the true nature of decentralization in governance, including aspects such as access, control, and ownership of shared resources in DAOs. Our target audience includes:

  1. Researchers: The DAO Index is an invaluable tool for academic and industry research, providing a comprehensive blend of data-driven insights and qualitative analysis. This rich resource aids in exploring the intricacies of DAO governance and operational dynamics beyond mere on-chain data.
  2. The Public: For those seeking clarity in the complex world of DAOs, the DAO Index offers an accessible platform. It employs visual labels and badges to represent DAO Index ratings, simplifying the comparison and understanding of different DAOs for the layperson.
  3. Businesses and Investors: The Index serves as a crucial reference for businesses and investors interested in the DAO sector, providing a holistic view of governance practices. By combining qualitative assessments with quantitative data, it offers a robust foundation for informed decision-making and strategic investments.
  4. DAOs: DAOs can use the Index to benchmark their governance and organizational structures against broader industry practices. The Index's comprehensive approach, spotlighting best practices and case studies, showcases exemplary governance models and guides DAOs in refining their practices for better transparency and efficiency.

The DAO Index is more than just a tool; it's a bridge connecting various groups to a more in-depth understanding of decentralized governance. It serves as a comprehensive resource for scholars, curious individuals, forward-thinking businesses, and the DAOs themselves, all seeking to navigate and understand the complexities of decentralized governance.

Alignment with Metagov’s Mission

The DAO Index is meticulously designed to align with and actively support Metagov's overarching mission in several impactful ways:

  1. Catalyzing Original and Creative Research in DAO Governance: The DAO Index serves as a pioneering research tool in the field of DAO governance. By providing a unique framework for analysis and benchmarking, it opens new avenues for original research, contributing significantly to the body of knowledge on decentralized governance systems. This aligns perfectly with Metagov's focus on fostering innovative research in online governance.
  2. Fostering a Collaborative Research Community: We are committed to not just conducting research in isolation, but to sharing our findings and methodologies openly with the Metagov research community. This initiative is geared towards creating a collaborative learning environment, where insights and experiences are exchanged, thus enriching the collective understanding and practices within the community.
  3. Contributing to the Public Good through Open-Source Knowledge: In line with Metagov's ethos of creating public goods, all research outputs generated through the DAO Index – including tools, methodologies, and findings – are open-source and freely accessible. This ensures that our work benefits a broad audience, ranging from academic researchers to practitioners in the field, thereby democratizing access to valuable knowledge and tools in DAO governance.
  4. Bridging Theoretical Insights and Practical Applications: The DAO Index not only advances theoretical understanding but also offers practical tools and insights for the implementation of effective governance in DAOs. This dual approach is essential for translating academic research into tangible benefits and improvements in the field of digital governance, resonating with Metagov's mission of pragmatic, impactful research.

Through these concerted efforts, the DGSF is more than just a project; it is a strategic partner in Metagov's mission to advance the frontiers of governance research in participatory digital communities.

Short-Term Milestones and Long-Term Contributions

Short-Term Impact

  • Research Publication and Dissemination: We will generate a comprehensive research paper and series of accessible blog posts detailing the DAO Index's methodologies, insights, and broader implications under the umbrella of DGSF. These publications will establish foundational knowledge in DAO governance effectiveness.
  • Collaborative Development: Regular collaborative sessions will invite diverse expertise, including researchers and DAO practitioners, to contribute to the DAO Index's evolution, ensuring its alignment with the goals and principles of DGSF.

Long-Term Impact

The DAO Index, as a key component of the Distributed Governance Score Framework (DGSF), is set to have transformative long-term impacts in the realm of DAO governance:

  • DGSF-Driven Standardization and Benchmarking: By setting benchmarks for evaluating DAOs under the DGSF, the DAO Index will standardize governance models across the sector, enhancing clarity and informed decision-making in the DAO community.
  • Facilitating Evolution of DAOs through DGSF: As part of DGSF, the DAO Index will be instrumental in driving the evolution of DAOs, offering insights to develop more democratic, transparent, and efficient governance systems.
  • Influencing Policy and Practice with DGSF Insights: Insights generated by the DAO Index within the DGSF framework will have the potential to influence policy and practical governance models, impacting the broader decentralized organization landscape.
  • AI Integration for Scalable Governance Analysis: The DAO Index will incorporate AI-based tools, such as in the MakerDAO initiative, to scale governance evaluation. This integration of manual and AI-driven analysis will ensure comprehensive and accurate assessments.

Budget and Funding Request

We are seeking to raise $10,000.00 to cover the following activities for the next 15 months:

  1. DAO Index R&D: 40%
  2. Software Development: 20%
  3. User Feedback: 10%
  4. Volunteer Training and Recruitment: 20%
  5. Research Publications and Educational Resources: 10%


The DAO Index, a central component of the DGSF, represents a groundbreaking effort to reconcile the aspirational ideals of DAOs with their operational realities. Our mission through this endeavor is threefold:

  1. Standardization of Governance Models: By providing a structured framework for evaluating DAOs, the DAO Index seeks to establish standardized governance models within the realm of decentralized organizations. This standardization is key to fostering consistency, reliability, and comparability across the DAO landscape.
  2. Enhancing Transparency: A core objective of the DAO Index is to elevate the level of transparency in DAO governance. This transparency is crucial for building trust, facilitating informed decision-making, and enhancing the accountability of DAOs to their stakeholders.
  3. Cultivating Shared Understanding: The DAO Index is committed to promoting a shared understanding of DAO governance among diverse groups, including researchers, practitioners, investors, and the public. By bridging knowledge gaps, the Index contributes to a more informed and engaged DAO community.

In alignment with Metagov's principles of open-access knowledge and participatory research, the DAO Index positions itself as an indispensable tool in shaping the future of digital self-governance. Through our efforts, we envision a digital governance landscape that is more democratic, transparent, and effective, reflecting the collective aspirations and wisdom of the global DAO community.


Our Preliminary Analysis of Uniswap, a write-up on our draft assessment of Uniswap with the DAO Index Questionnaire was mentioned in This Week in Governance - Apr 21 by Kevin Nielsen, available at https://governance.substack.com/p/this-week-in-governance-april-21.

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