$2,541.07 crowdfunded from 279 people
$763.35 received from matching pools
UVP Vertical integration of ETH staking and stablecoin minting
The product iliquid staking token as collateral for GEB-based stablecoins protocols
The approach dSentra’s proposal is about having a MoneyGod community owned, native staking derivative.
Ungovernance the product (iliquid staking collateral) offer GEB-based stablecoin issuing protocols a low tail risk collateral type that only require light governance for risk control
Expected impact dSentra’s goal is to offer GMDP protocols [governance minimized, decentralized protocols], specifically GMDPs that issue decentralized, uncensorable, stablecoins, like RAI, HAI and OpenDollar, a way to natively incorporate Ethereun staking yields into their products/ecosystems in order to be more competitive compared to less decentralized options
dSentra History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 279 people contributed $2,541 to the project, and $763 of match funding was provided.