
$78.72 crowdfunded from 146 people

$37.92 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Web3 platform enabling users to bid for interactions with key opinion leaders (KOLs), incentivizing KOLs to engage with fans and fostering connections. Features include multi-chain crypto and fiat bidding.

What is the project about and what kind of impact does it aim to have?

Application Overview

Eggcess is a SocialFi web3 platform which allows users to reach out to their desired influencers or KOLs.

Many users have always wanted to reach out to their desired KOLs for specific requests but they are unable to do so simply because KOLs have no time and there are no direct incentives for KOLs to do so. Eggcess allows users to put up a bid to KOLs and KOLs are able to claim these bids by simply responding to the users.

Process Flow

The following lists the process flow of the application:

  1. Users login via the landing page:

Eggcess Screen 1

  1. Users search for their desired KOLs to connect with:

Eggcess Screen 2

  1. Users send messages to their desired KOL with a bid amount:

Eggcess Screen 3

  1. KOLs login to the dashboard and see the users who are interested to connect with them with their respective bid amounts:

Eggcess Screen 4

  1. KOLs selects the user to connect with and replies them:

Eggcess Screen 5

  1. KOL claims the bid amount once he replies the user:

Eggcess Screen 6

  1. User will be able to give a review rating for their KOLs' reply:

Eggcess Screen 7

Project Updates

July 2023: Conceptualisation and development started

Oct 2023: Beta testing

Nov 2023: Beta version launched for selected users

We are in the process of adding the following major features:

  • Allowing cross chain and different types of cryptocurrencies for the bidding
  • Allowing fiat bidding in order to attract web2 users onboard this space
  • Allowing users to search their desired KOLs from other social platforms

Eggcess History

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Community-based platform that escrows funds for crowdfunded projects, rewards successful project completion, and reinforces trust by providing refunds for unfulfilled projects.
Developing a blockchain-based crowdfunding system with escrow that allows community-based project funding with rewards for execution, emphasizing funder assurance and sustainable support for public goods.