$51.65 crowdfunded from 3 people
$75.41 received from matching pools
Background: What are EIPs, and why it matters?
Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) describe standards for the Ethereum platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards.
EIPs are more than standards. They connect the whole ecosystem: EF, Ethereum chain, developers, builders, startups, EIP editors/authors, tech writers, etc.
The connections through EIP are weak.
Navigating and understanding the official EIPs website (https://eips.ethereum.org/) can be challenging for developers and others (of course, it’s concise). Although there are many informative articles, code examples, and videos about EIPs, the official website cannot include them. And little communication between author/dev/users.
Consider EIPs Fun is the "layer2" of EIPs, which build a highway in the ecosystem between EF, Ethereum chain, developers, builders, startups, EIP editors/authors, tech writers, etc.
EIPs Fun consists of four main parts:
- Website: Aggregate high quality & community-generated content, provide advanced EIP search. A better and more powerful version of https://eips.ethereum.org/.
- Community: Collaborate with Ethereum communities like Ethereum Cat Herders and Ethereum Magicians Forum to bring more EIP fans into the community
- EIP Newsletter: Professional operators will collect valuable information from the community and EIP updates and sending to subscribers to keep updated.
- EIP Funding: We will use the Gitcoin Allo protocol to build EIP grant pool for each EIP. It will be a brand new way to build connections between donors (EF, EIP-based App, Fans, Authors) and EIP promoters (Authors, new startups, developers, tech writers). Funding will flourish and accelerate the EIP ecosystem.
EIPs Fun aims to uncover the potential of EIPs, making them more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. By doing so, we hope to advance the growth of the entire ecosystem.
Current Progress
We are actively developing the project.
- Product and UI design finished (link: https://www.figma.com/file/czwUjTpivIGIgYsI2UiQdu/EIPs-Fun-Prototype?node-id=523-2&t=SLpYpRtEi8LHlAzc-0)
- 50% development finished (link: https://github.com/lxdao-official/eipsFun-frontend/)
- Operation draft plans are finished (link: https://lxdao.notion.site/011-EIPs-Fun-53da93f392c14a1e826b68738d1236dc)
All are open-source and community-driven. Welcome to join us on Forum https://forum.lxdao.io/c/projects/011-eips-fun/29.
Plans for Funding
The funding will be used for development and operation. We will use the funding to provide high-quality service and newsletters for free as a public good.
Team Members
- Project Manager: Bruce, assists: Vanessa
- Product Manager: Mike
- Dev: Kahn, Jack Guo, Neal Li
- QA: Neal Wang
- UI: Wang Teng
- Researcher: Owen Zhang, Chloe, 5660.eth, Yolo Shen, and more
- Operation: K, Owen Zhang, and more
EIPs Fun History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 3 people contributed $52 to the project, and $75 of match funding was provided.