$146.66 crowdfunded from 62 people
$173.21 received from matching pools
What is El Holder?
El Holder is a web3 brand. At this moment, the project is a newsletter about educational web3 content in Spanish, targeting newcomers and enthusiasts.
We communicate uniquely through short, funny and easy-to-read articles; with homemade memes.
The topics we talk about are:
- Economics applied to crypto
- Tokenomics
- Fundamental opinions about crypto-market behavior
- We analyze web3 projects (we also give them a personal rank called "El Holder Ranking")
- Investor mindset
- Expose digital artists
2 co-founders Adrian Sanpei and isra.eth, two enthusiasts and content creators that started their journey in crypto in mid-2017.
El Holder started in late June 2023 So far, we have 34 publications, 527 subscribers. 28% Avg. Open Rate and 3% Click Rate (but we haven't focused on targeting ads or announcements that need clicks)
Roadmap and goals
In the long haul, we aim to evolve from a newsletter to a media company (crypto video-news, tools, more articles, interviews, podcasts, etc.) where community will be a key player for next developments.
First things first:
With this grant, we aim to invest in subscriber acquisition (ads) and a community growth strategist in order to grow our community, subscribers and engagement in a healthy and strong way.
First goal is to reach 10K subs.
With 10K subscribers, we can begin to sell space for advertisers of our niche and re-invest on subscribers' acquisition as well as more quality and research in content creation and the wheels will start to roll once this happens.
Thanks for reading our proposal, we hope you love the holder brand as much as we love it. LFG.
El Holder History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 62 people contributed $147 to the project, and $173 of match funding was provided.