Emergence: Web3 protocol for game developers
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Web3 protocol for game developers offering SDKs for Easy Ethereum integration, user authentication, smart contract interaction, and NFT inventory management, seeking funds for further development.

What Is Emergence:

Emergence is a Web3 protocol for game developers, plugging into game engines such as the Unreal Engine and Unity through our Web3 based SDKs. Emergence empowers game developers with wallet authentication, smart contracts, avatar systems and NFT inventory services.

Why Use Emergence SDK:

The Emergence SDK provides low and high-level code access to the required functions to interact with EVM networks and wallets. From authenticating your users with digital signatures, which enables a new form of universal authentication, up to reading and writing to smart contracts.

The purpose of the round is to raise funds for the development of such elements:

  • Funding of the EVM Integration Library, which provides a modular way of interacting with smart contracts and integrating with clients (nodes) on the Ethereum Network.
  • Funding for development integration library developed for C++
  • For create a module to manage Local Wallets, which includes creating, encrypting and naming wallets.
  • Development of an inventory service that makes it easy for developers to find NFTs owned by a user, and provides utilities and tagging functions to provide context to a user's NFTs.

Emergence: Web3 protocol for game developers History

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