
$131.47 crowdfunded from 6 people

$403.79 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing a Web3-based financial and circular economy platform for households, including a digital wallet and management tools for clean energy distributors to monitor sales and issue carbon credits.

Emerging Eco: Advancing the regenerative household economy


The Emerging Eco Wallet provides emerging households with a curated ecosystem of Web3 dApps and services for financial inclusion and circular economy. It extends our Emerging Eco software platform, which is a comprehensive solution for clean cookstove and renewable biomass fuel distributors to manage: financing, inventory, sales, deliveries, customers, billing, and carbon credit claims.

The platform uses AI-assisted digital MRV for real-time issuance of high-quality digital Carbon Credits, which are shared with cookstove customers.

Kindly donate to our grant so we can build the Emerging Eco Wallet! There is a match pool of $350k thanks to the amazing Gitcoin community, every single dollar makes a big difference!

We intend to raise: 60,000USD that will be well spent to generate the following outcomes:

  • Project Delivery: Project Management, Project Administration, Marketing and Communication.
  • Field Testing: Field Supervision, Field Agent Incentives, Local Transport Costs, Evaluation.
  • Product Development: Product Design, Software Development, UI/UX Design.
  • Developer Incentives: Hackathon Prizes, Hacker Bounties.

For an in-depth representation of our budget see here.



Outline of our team

This project is being strongly led by Mattias Ohlson and Shaun Conway, both of whom have dedicated the past decade to working on these technology solutions, Mattias as the founder of Emerging Cooking Solutions who has more than 10 years of experience working in the Clean Cooking sector and lives in Zambia, and Shaun as the founder of ixo who lives in South Africa.

Over the past year we have had a dedicated software development team of more that 12 members from ixo and Emerging Cooking Solutions with their primary focus on building the Emerging Eco product. We expect to further bolster the technology team after completing the next round of fundraising.

The ECS subsidiary SupaMoto in Zambia has a strong local management team and large network of distribution agents working in the communities it serves. Supamoto operates a local renewable biomass pellet factory and a customer support callcentre, to serve its more than 10,000 cookstove customers in Zambia (with more than 40 new customers currently being signed up every day).

Take a look at our figma design.

More information about the Emerging Eco solution


Emerging.Eco History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $131 to the project, and $404 of match funding was provided.

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