ENS Raffles
average score over 1 application evaluations
A dApp on Arbitrum Layer2 providing a raffle system for ENS domain distribution, ensuring fair and transparent acquisition opportunities for all users.

ENS Raffles is a groundbreaking decentralized application (dApp) operating on the Arbitrum Layer2 network, designed to revolutionize the distribution of ENS domains through an innovative raffle/lottery system. Unlike traditional methods such as listings or auctions, ENS Raffles offers ENS domain owners an exciting alternative to engage with the public.

At the core of ENS Raffles is its user-friendly platform, accessible via https://www.ensraffles.com/, which empowers ENS domain holders to make their domains available for acquisition through a dynamic raffle mechanism. This approach opens up opportunities for anyone interested in acquiring premium ENS domains, fostering inclusivity and accessibility within the decentralized web ecosystem.

The process is simple yet engaging: participants can purchase one or more tickets to enter the lottery, providing an equal chance for enthusiasts to secure coveted ENS domains. Leveraging the power of Chainlink, a trusted decentralized oracle network, ensures fairness and transparency in selecting the lucky winner. Once chosen, the winner can effortlessly claim their new ENS domain on the Ethereum network, seamlessly integrating it into their digital identity or project.

In summary, ENS Raffles represents a pioneering solution that democratizes access to premium ENS domains, enriching the decentralized web landscape and fostering community engagement. With its user-friendly interface, secure infrastructure, and commitment to transparency, ENS Raffles is poised to become the go-to platform for acquiring ENS domains through an exciting and fair lottery system on Arbitrum Layer2.

ENS Raffles History

  • applied to the ENS Identity 5 months ago which was rejected

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