Ephemery Testnet

$317.18 crowdfunded from 33 people

$471.45 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An ephemeral testnet with periodic resets for short-term application and validator testing, avoiding state bloat and consensus issues while simplifying bootstrapping. Maintained by the Ethereum community since December 2022.

Ephemery is an automatically reset testnet, a novel approach to testnets. It enables a single testing infrastructure consisting of ephemeral networks with deterministic parameters. Each network iteration is created by a specified function which deterministically generates new genesis states.

This kind of testnet can provide an alternative environment for short-term testing of applications, validators and also breaking changes in client implementations. It avoids issues of long running testnets which suffer from state bloat, lack of testnet funds or consensus issues. Periodically resetting the network back to genesis cleans the validator set, returns funds back to faucets while keeping the network reasonably small for easy bootstraping.

Test your applications, validators, client implementations or contribute to the testnet at ephemery.dev.

The project was started as a research experiment by community from Ethereum Foundation and EthStaker, it has been running since December 2022 and is maintained only by community.

Ephemery Testnet History

  • accepted into Ethereum Infrastructure 1 year ago. 33 people contributed $317 to the project, and $471 of match funding was provided.

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