ETH Kipu

$171.87 crowdfunded from 23 people

$1,340.02 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Supporting Ethereum growth in Latin America through community building, education initiatives, public goods creation, and hosting ETH Latam, an annual major Ethereum event.

ETH KIPU is an organization dedicated to supporting the Ethereum ecosystem in Latin America. Co-created by Latam Community Leaders aligned with Ethereum values.

We contribute to creating communities and support them in their growth, promote education about Ethereum, foster the creation of public goods on Ethereum and organize the main Latin American Ethereum event every year: ETH Latam

Our mission is to educate the Latam community about the Ethereum ecosystem using sustainable formats. The content will be open source and free.

Our handbook

ETH Kipu History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 23 people contributed $172 to the project, and $1,340 of match funding was provided.

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