Ethereum Lima

$606.53 crowdfunded from 121 people

$3,313.12 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Community-driven initiative in Lima aiming to expand the Ethereum ecosystem in Peru through workshops, courses, and events like the successful Ethereum Lima Day with international attendance.

Ethereum Lima is a community located in Lima, Peru. We are focused on face-to-face and virtual education. At Ethereum Lima we want to further boost the community in Peru. This will be achieved through workshops, courses, spaces, blog posts and other media content about the Ethereum Ecosystem.

We believe that everyone should have access to this technology and we are interested in having a larger community of web3 developers in Peru. We are part of the global Ethereum community, we are in contact with groups similar to ours around the world and we make joint collaborations.

In September 2022 we had the Ethereum Lima Day. It was the first big Ethereum event in Peru. We had more than 200 attendees in that event, between builders, creators, entrepreneurs and local communities.

The event was held at the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), an amazing place where we successfully developed the event. There was free food and drinks for all attendees, comfortable places to attend the talks and space to meet people from different parts of our country. You can see how we lived this event here:

Among the foreign attendees we had people from Argentina, USA, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile. Also 22% of the attendees were women, this is a big step in our way to include women in blockchain, this was achieved thanks to the active collaboration with local communities led by women.

This grant will help us bring Ethereum education to people in other cities in Peru such as Cusco, Arequipa and Huancayo. We already have the Ethereum Starter Pack in collaboration with ETH Kipu ready to be delivered to these communities.

If you want to know more about us and the events we have done you can find it here:

Ethereum Lima History

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