Ethereum Lima

$483.53 crowdfunded from 111 people

$738.10 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Ethereum community in Lima promoting web3 education through virtual content and 25+ in-person events, aiming to grow the local developer base with inclusive access to blockchain technology.

We are an Ethereum community located in Lima, Peru. We are focused on face-to-face and virtual education. We believe that everyone should have access to this technology and we are interested in having a larger community of web3 developers in Peru.

We are a team of Ethereum enthusiasts, coming from several professions: lawyer, engineers, economist, managers, designers, and so on, who believe in the values of decentralization, censorship resistance and openness and want to spread them in our society.

In 2022 we created a lot of virtual content and organized the first Ethereum Lima Day (

In this year we've organized more than 25 in-person events for newbies, advanced and devs (

Ethereum Lima History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 111 people contributed $484 to the project, and $738 of match funding was provided.

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