$259.16 crowdfunded from 198 people
$373.84 received from matching pools
ETHRank is an open-source, merit-based ranking system for every Ethereum address.
Season 4 features over 80 projects from the Ethereum ecosystem, including Gitcoin.
This season focuses on these four categories:
- DeFi
Owning different tokens, swapping tokens, lending/borrowing, joining DAOs, and gas spending all contribute to this category.
- Reputation
Performing bounties, web3 gaming, interacting with many wallets, earning merit badges all contribute to this category.
In Season 4, we've aggregated all the top web3 reputation protocols.
- NFTs
Owning NFTs, using NFT platforms, collecting web3 domains, generative art, CC0 collections, all contribute to this category.
- Staking
Running a validator and participating in various ETH2 staking protocols contribute to this category.
ETHRank's community includes some of Ethereum's most active users and contributors.
Check your score today at ethrank.io.
ETHRank - The open source achievement system for every Ethereum address History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 11 months ago. 198 people contributed $259 to the project, and $374 of match funding was provided.