ETHRank - The open source achievement system for every Ethereum address

$259.16 crowdfunded from 198 people

$373.84 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Open-source ranking system for Ethereum addresses, evaluating DeFi participation, reputation, NFT activity, and staking contributions across 80+ projects.

ETHRank is an open-source, merit-based ranking system for every Ethereum address.

Season 4 features over 80 projects from the Ethereum ecosystem, including Gitcoin.

This season focuses on these four categories:

  1. DeFi

Owning different tokens, swapping tokens, lending/borrowing, joining DAOs, and gas spending all contribute to this category.

  1. Reputation

Performing bounties, web3 gaming, interacting with many wallets, earning merit badges all contribute to this category.

In Season 4, we've aggregated all the top web3 reputation protocols.

  1. NFTs

Owning NFTs, using NFT platforms, collecting web3 domains, generative art, CC0 collections, all contribute to this category.

  1. Staking

Running a validator and participating in various ETH2 staking protocols contribute to this category.

ETHRank's community includes some of Ethereum's most active users and contributors.

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ETHRank - The open source achievement system for every Ethereum address History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 9 months ago. 198 people contributed $259 to the project, and $374 of match funding was provided.

People donating to ETHRank - The open source achievement system for every Ethereum address, also donated to

A blockchain-based image and video sharing platform with decentralized identity, storage, and encrypted comments, featuring a customizable feed and live video playback.
Managing and coding for DSPYT, I create and optimize Google-indexed content, analyze Gitcoin data, and boost public awareness of Gitcoin and digital financing.
Dspyt-CodeVerse is dedicated to advancing Web3 through open-source projects, educational resources, and community building, focusing on blockchain and programming languages like Python and JavaScript.
The initiative uses solar power and technology to improve infrastructure in the Global South, creating job opportunities, and providing community charge stations with a prototype ready by Q3 2024.