Faster API for resolving ENS names and avatars for web3 projects
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Created a fast API for resolving ENS names, addresses, and avatars, utilizing Cloudflare's edge caching to improve speed and resource efficiency.

I've integrated ENS resolving into several projects now (both my own and as a contributor/collaborator), but found the standard approach of querying ENS contracts directly to be quite slow for most use cases, and can quickly eat up Alchemy/Infura node resources if you're not careful.

To help with this, I built an incredibly fast API (thanks to Cloudflare's edge caching) for resolving and reverse-resolving ENS names and addresses and avatars (30-50ms with a warm cache).

API docs are here:

And open source code here:


Faster API for resolving ENS names and avatars for web3 projects History

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