$733.29 crowdfunded from 131 people
$4,237.42 received from matching pools
Fiat24 is the first regulated bank that is built on public blockchain (Arbitrum). You might imagine us as an additional layer inside your non-custodial wallet (such as MetaMask) - by connecting your wallet to Fiat24, you can easily transform the wallet into an "e-banking" which supports both cryptocurrencies and fiat money. We use an NFT as a means to identify our clients, and being able to associate transactions with their account. Once a user has opened their Fiat24 account, they are able to top it up using crypto and also through bank transfer. They can then use their funds to do peer to peer payments in our ecosystem, as well as to transfer it to the their own bank or to spend the money via the Fiat24 Visa debit card. In this way, we can turn every non-custodial wallet into a “crypto.com wallet”.
Fiat24 History
accepted into The New protocol ideas Round 1 year ago. 131 people contributed $733 to the project, and $4,237 of match funding was provided.